IMOS - Daily Control Sheet
The Daily Control Sheet is a built-in Financials report.
The output of built-in reports has been formatted by Veson Nautical. These reports only work if you are posting Veson IMOS Platform invoices to the financial ledger. If your company does not post transactions, you will be unable to use these reports. If you want to create a custom report, use the Report Designer.
This report includes all actual and estimated payments for the selected company on the specified date:
Actual AR transactions entered into the system on the reference (Funds Received section of the report).
Estimated AR invoices that have an invoice date on or before the reference date (Freights Expected section of the report) and some outstanding balance. It only includes the invoices where the counterparty is a Charterer, which might filter out some non-voyage revenues.
AP transactions paid on the reference date (Funds Paid section of the report).
The report includes the counterparty for the transaction, reference vessel/voyage, amounts paid or received, and the due dates for the outstanding invoices.
You can also filter the report by specifying the base currency threshold amount in the Inv Amt Over (Base Curr) field, which will be used to print only transactions over that amount.
The Daily Control Sheet only shows funds received/paid if you are entering payments and receipts into the financial ledger. If your company does not enter cash transactions, you will be unable to see received funds on the report.
Report Options

Field Name | Mandatory / Optional | Description | Use When? |
Major Company | Mandatory | A Type W company from the Address Book; this field determines which AP/AR invoices are included in the report. | Always. |
Reference Date | Mandatory | The Reference Date, on which the report will be based.
| Always. |
Inv Amt Over (Base Curr) | Optional | The threshold for the invoice amount. Only the AP/AR amount that is higher than the threshold will be included in the report. | When you only want to see the ARs/APs that are above one threshold amount. |
Why is there no Funds Received or Funds Paid entries being generated?

Ensure that payments and receipts are marked as "Final" and select "Finalize Bank Transfer".

Run the Daily Control Sheet report again. The finalized entry will appear.