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Voyage Reporting - General Validation Errors

FAQs > Error Messages > Voyage Reporting - General Validation Errors

Error Text



Could not infer which leg of the voyage the form refers to

Offline forms only. Voyage leg inference algorithm has failed to find any suitable leg for the form.

Verify that the form’s date and port match the voyage itinerary and voyage commence and completion dates.

Inferred voyage leg has port port but form specifies port port.

Result of voyage leg inference doesn’t match port entered by user.

Found voyage leg that fits by date but port incorrect. Verify that the form’s date and port match the voyage itinerary.

Couldn't find commenced or completed voyage number n for vessel Vessel Name.

User entered a voyage number on the form that doesn’t exist.

Resubmit with valid voyage number after reviewing itinerary.

This form may not be submitted before the voyage has commenced.

Per-form setting

Check form’s setting, and resubmit if it makes sense to do so. Resubmit forms in correct order, making sure voyage number is now correct on form.

Form date is more than 24 hours in the future

Check form’s date and re-enter the real time it is being sent.

Form date is more than n days in the past

Number of days is a global config flag

Check form’s date and re-enter if wrong. Can also change configuration setting for days in past to allow for older form submissions by going to Veslink Settings -> System Configuration and amending the "Maximum Number of Days in Past Allowable for Incoming Forms“

Form cannot be accepted before arrival at port.

Applies to any form that would create Port Activities or Activity Reports, which in practice is all standard forms except for Cargo Handling.

Submit the form after the Arrival Notice for the port has been submitted.

Bunkering cannot take place at the same time as Noon Report “Title of Existing Noon Report.”

Technical limitation.

Either use Received column in ROB entry or submit Bunkering form either before or after Noon Report.

Noon Report cannot take place at the same time as Bunkering Report “Title of Existing Bunkering Report.”

Technical limitation.

Either use Received column in ROB entry or submit Bunkering form either before or after Noon Report.

About Voyage Leg Inference

If the voyage number is entered incorrectly or does not exist, to infer the voyage leg, most standard forms refer to the form Date/Time.

  • The Cargo Handling form refers to the following, in order:

    1. The form Date/Time

    2. The earliest BL date

  • The Statement of Facts form refers to the date/time of:

    • The PS activity or, if no PS activity is entered, the earliest Port Activity

    • The PE activity or, if no PE activity is entered, the latest Port Activity

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