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Q88 - Officer Matrix Fleet Overview Page

Overview page of matrix details in the system and allow access to manage and view the Officer Matrix for your fleet.

Actions Menu

The “Actions” button contains several options which can be performed from this page.

Manage Officers: Shows a list of your officers with an option to edit their records

Email Fleet Offline Form: Creates an offline form of the Officer Matrix which can be sent to all or part of your fleet to have the vessel update the information onboard.

Submit to OCIMF: Exports the Officer Matrix data to the OCIMF web site.

Fleet Compliance Report: Generates the oil major officer matrix compliance report for the selected fleet

Refresh Data: Refresh the underlying data from the database.

Reset View: Resets the sorting and filtering for the selected View.

User’s Guide: Download the User’s Guide (this document) for the Officer Matrix module.

Scheduled Reports: Schedule a report of any view (system or user created) to be emailed to you.

Columns: Select the column(s) which you prefer to be shown on the overview

Export to Excel: Allows you to export the data/view from the website to an Excel document

Header to Column Description:

OCIMF Status:

Displays the status of the data as it relates to the submission to the OCIMF system. The possible options are:

  • Update Required - Submission to OCIMF is required because the data in the Officer Matrix has changed.

  • Missing Data - One or more of the Officers are missing required information so submission to OCIMF cannot be completed.

  • Submitted - Officer Matrix data has been submitted and processed


Displays the vessels’ compliance to the Officer Matrix requirements for the oil companies which have been selected for compliance checking. The possible options are:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Partial

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