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Q88 - Vessel Search

You can have access to the registered vessels in the Database to view/ email or download their Q88 form and other details for them by searching basis set criteria here:

Vessel Search tool from Top Bar Menu

In the next step, you will be asked to complete the search criteria and press Search:

You will get the vessel list that fulfils the criteria you set in the previous step.

Example: Search name to include word: Demo

  • The list can be exported to Excel

  • By clicking on the vessel's name, you get to her details and the Q88 form.

Alternatively, you can search vessels by typing the name or part of it or IMO number in the relevant text box on the top right corner.

Vessel Search text box

This is the window that you get once you search for a specific vessel:

Published Q88 form

Printing or Emailing her Q88 form is available.

Clicking on the next tab, you will see the list of all published documents for this vessel. Depending on the access level that the operator has allowed, you can view and download the documents too.

Published Documents

  • AIS Tracking tab displays the current position of the vessel.

  • Dwt/Draft Calculator basis the data retrieved by the Q88 form.

  • USCG PSIX is an integrated page with USCG website, displaying all relevant entries made for this vessel.

  • Photos can be found on the next tab, if any available.

  • Private Notes: for your reference only, keeping the notes available only for your account.

Note: You have access to specs and documents only for those vessels that their Operator has allowed so from their Manage Vessels page.

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