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How do I manage spam emails?

If you’re looking to keep your Shipfix inbox free from spam, here are some effective strategies:

  1. Block the Sender: Start by blocking unwanted sender addresses in your host email client. This helps prevent spam from reaching your Shipfix account in the first place.

  2. Email Deletion: If spam emails do slip through, you can quickly delete them in Shipfix.

  3. Archive Emails: For emails you don’t want cluttering your inbox but aren’t necessarily spam, consider archiving them. This keeps your main view clean without permanently deleting important messages.

  4. Mute Senders: Use the mute feature in Shipfix to hide emails from specific senders, helping you focus on the emails that matter. Muted emails are extracted but not shown in your email list unless tagged. They are also omitted from your suggested recipients.

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