FAQs > Configuration Flags > CFGTCOBunkerAdj
This article provides the following information about this configuration flag:
TCO Bunker Adjustment
Adjustment for bunker price/qty difference. Recognizes gain or loss on purchase/sale of bunkers during TCO.
Use Case
The default system setting of configuration flag CFGTCOBunkerAdj is N (disabled). If it is disabled, there will be no TCO bunker adjustment values.
TCO bunker delivery and redelivery prices invoiced from TCO hire statements will only affect your bunker inventory (balance sheet account: asset account) alongside AP/AR pair.
When CFGTCOBunkerAdj is set to Y (enabled), the gain/loss from delivery and redelivery bunkers are recorded. For more information, see How is TCO bunker adjustment calculated?.
When generating Voyage Period Journals, there will be an extra journal, TCO Bunker Adjustment. The calculated price difference can be set to be linked to a P&L-affecting account (expense account), thus allocating (debit/credit) money from your bunker inventory asset account to recognize gain/loss from TCO delivery bunker prices.
Will this adjustment value go away when the same amount and price of bunkers are redelivered for the TCO contract?
No, this only happens during TCO bunker delivery. If your inventory price and TCO bunker delivery price is the same, there will be no adjustment. When the bunkers are being redelivered, the vessel’s bunker inventory price will be updated according to the price of the TCO bunkers.
How do I remove a bunker adjustment for a singular voyage?
To remove a bunker adjustment from the P&L the inventory price must be equal to the bunker delivery price.