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Customize Foreign Exchange Rate Date Default Rules for Invoices

General invoice FX Date Default setup

Requires security permission.

To configure the exchange rate date defaulting by invoice type, which will default one exchange rate date for the entire invoice, do the following:

  • Enable the configuration flag CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable. This allows you to indicate the exchange rate date for each invoice type. This feature is available on a specific set of Operations Invoices; see the table below for details.

  • With this flag enabled, the Operations Invoice FX Date Default Rules form will be available in the Financials menu, under Setup. Here, you can define the rules for exchange rate date defaulting on the available invoice types.

Note: The configuration flag CFGVoyaccAccrualType must NOT be set to “Ops“ when configuring the exchange rate date defaulting. If set to Ops, Exchange Rate Date Defaulting will not work properly with Monthly Accrual Journals.

Invoice line-item level FX Date Default setup

To configure the exchange rate date defaulting at the line-item level for an invoice type, choose from any of the following options:

All options also require CFGEnableFXDateDefaultTable to be enabled.

Add line item exchange rate date to Time Charter In Payment and Time Charter Out Bill

  • Enable the configuration flags CFGAddExchDatetoTCIPandTCOBForms and CFGInvDetailExchangeRate.

    • A new column for Exchange Rate Date will be added to the Time Charter In Payment and Time Charter Out Bill details grid when enabled. This allows you to capture a distinct exchange rate date for each line item and apply a different exchange rate to each line item. The Exchange Rate Date will transfer to the Transaction Data Entry form on posting to the matching details line item.

  • Configure invoice line-item level rules in the Operations Invoice FX Date Default Rules form, available in the Financials menu, under Setup. See the table below for more information on which line items are available for the configuration of these rules.

Add line item exchange rate date to Bareboat Payment

  • Enable the configuration flags CFGAddExchDatetoBareboatPayment and CFGInvDetailExchangeRate.

    • A new column for Exchange Rate Date will be added to the Bareboat Payment details grid once enabled. This allows you to capture a distinct exchange rate date for each line item and apply a different exchange rate to each line item. The Exchange Rate Date will transfer to the Transaction Data Entry form on posting to the matching details line item. Requires CFGInvDetailExchangeRate to be enabled.

  • Configure invoice line-item level rules in the Operations Invoice FX Date Default Rules form, available in the Financials menu, under Setup. See the table below for more information on which line items are available for the configuration of these rules.

Add line item exchange rate date to the Transaction Data Entry and Journal Entry forms

  • Enable the configuration flag CFGInvDetailExchangeRate and CFGActUpdateOpsExchangeRate.

    • Two new fields will be available on the TDE: Exchange Rate Date and Exchange Rate. Three new fields will be available on the Journal form: Exchange Rate Date, Exchange Rate, and Currency. This allows you to capture a separate exchange rate date (and exchange rate) per line item in the transaction. The Exchange Rate Date will drive the exchange rate added to the invoice detail line item and will be used to calculate the Amount Base value. When this flag is enabled, and CFGActUpdateOpsExchangeRate is set to N, then the new fields will be information only and not editable.

Additional setup options

  • When configuration flag CFGActUpdateOpsExchangeRate is enabled, editing the exchange rate in the Transaction Data Entry form updates it in the operations invoice.

This table shows all invoice types and details that can be set in the Financials > Invoice FX Date Default Rules.

Invoice Type

Invoice Detail

Date Default Options

Time Charter Payment


Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Hire Commission

Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Address Commission

Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment


Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Ballast Bonus

TC Delivery Date GMT

Time Charter Payment

Delivery Bunker

TC Delivery Date GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Redelivery Bunker

TC Delivery Date GMT, default

Time Charter Payment


Offhire Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Offhire Commission

Offhire Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Offhire Address Commission

Offhire Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Offhire Bunkers

Offhire Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Offhire CVE

Offhire Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Payment

Other - Unspecified

Period From GMT, ask user, default

Time Charter Bill


Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Bill

Hire Commission

Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Bill

Address Commission

Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Bill


Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Bill

Ballast Bonus

Period From GMT, default

Time Charter Bill

Delivery Bunker

TC Delivery Date GMT, default

Time Charter Bill

Redelivery Bunker

TC Delivery Date GMT, default

Time Charter Bill

Other - Unspecified

Period From GMT, ask user, default

Bareboat Payment


Period From GMT, default

Bareboat Payment

Hire Commission

Period From GMT, default

Bareboat Payment

Address Commission

Period From GMT, default

Bareboat Payment

Other - Unspecified

Period From GMT, ask user, default

Bunker Invoice


Bunker Lifting Date, default

Freight Invoice


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

Demurrage & Despatch Invoices


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

Port Disbursements & Advances


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

Voyage Other Revenue & Expense Invoices


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

Standalone Freight & Demurrage/Despatch Commission


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

Claims and Claim Rebills


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

Owner Rebills


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

Bunker Survey Invoices


1- “Voyage Commence”

2- “Ask User”
3- Leave Blank (System default is used)

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