The information on this page is for Veson IMOS Platform Administrators only.
To edit a group or a user:
On the Security List, click the row for the group or user. The Group or User panel appears.
Click the tab on which you want to make a change.
Make any necessary changes to the group or user information.
To change the password for a user with IMOS Authentication, click to expand the Change Password section, enter a New Password, and then enter it again in the Confirm field.
When you finish making changes, click Save.
Note: As a Security Administrator, if you change your own settings, you do not have to log out and log back in for the changes to take effect. Any open forms will have the new security settings the next time they are opened.
The Security Administrator may change a user's email address by accessing and amending it in the users' profile and ensuring to save.
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