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IMOS - Adding Attachments from Cloud Document Storage

The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.

If your organization manages documents in a cloud system outside of the Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS) such as Dropbox, you can link to those files and folders from the Veson IMOS Platform. This eliminates the need to store files in multiple locations.

Do the following:

In your document storage solution:

  1. Open the file or folder that you want to attach.

  2. Create and copy its shareable link.

Attach a Link in the Veson IMOS Platform

In the Veson IMOS Platform:

  1. On a Summary Tree or Attachments form, right-click the Attachments node and then click Attach New Link.

  2. Paste the shareable Link and add a Label that describes the file.

  3. Click OK.

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