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IMOS - Advanced Pricing Example - COA

In the following example, Advanced Pricing Rules are used to configure the following areas of a COA to move saffron and salt:


Freight Rates are basis up to 3 load ports, with up to a total of 4 load berths and up to 5 discharge ports with up to a total of 7 discharge berths.

The following Freight Rates do not apply to saffron and salt:

Quantity per shipment


20,000–30,000 MT


30,001–40,000 MT


40,001–50,000 MT


50,001–70,000 MT


Advanced Pricing Rule 1:

Extra Grades

Charterer’s option to utilize up to 2 additional grades against extra $15,500 USD per grade on top of the above Freight Rates.

Advanced Pricing Rule 2:

Advanced Pricing Rule 3:

Extra Discharges

Additional lumpsum per first additional discharge: $18,750 USD

Advanced Pricing Rule 4:

Additional lumpsum per second additional discharge: $51,500 USD

Advanced Pricing Rule 5:

Saffron and Salt Freight

The following Freight Rates apply to saffron:

Quantity per shipment


20,000–30,000 MT


30,001–40,000 MT


40,001–50,000 MT


50,001–70,000 MT


Advanced Pricing Rule 6:

The following Freight Rates apply to salt:

Quantity per shipment


20,000–30,000 MT


30,001–40,000 MT


40,001–50,000 MT


50,001–70,000 MT


Advanced Pricing Rule 7:

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