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IMOS - Fields

Home > Overview > Fields

Field Types

Several field types appear in the Veson IMOS Platform. To work with them, you can use abbreviationsfield help, and keyboard shortcuts.

The following conventions are used to indicate field characteristics:

Field Type



Active field

Date field

To select a date from a calendar, click


Selection field

To select a value from the list, click the arrow 

 or press Enter.

Link (on hover)


To open the related form (in this case, the Vessel form), click the link.


In date and number fields, you can use abbreviations.

Date Fields

In date fields, you can use the following abbreviations.

Key Command


T or t

Today's date

Y or y

Yesterday's date

5.1 or 0501

May 1 of the current year

5.1.17, 5.1.2017, 050117, or 05012017

May 1 of 2017


365 days from today


10 days prior to today

1300 or 13:00

13:00 hours

Note: You can combine date and time abbreviations (for example, 5.1 12:00 = May 1 of the current year at 12:00 hours). If you only enter a date, the time defaults to 00:00 hours.

Number Fields

In number fields, such as Qty or Amt, you can use K or k (followed by a space or not) to represent 1,000. For example:

30K, 30k, or 30 k = 30,000

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