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IMOS - Inactivating or Activating a Group or a User

The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.

The information on this page is for Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS) Administrators only.

Inactivating a Group or User

You can inactivate a group or a user; an inactivated group or user has no access rights to the Veson IMOS Platform.

  1. Edit the group or user.

  2. On the Profile tab, under Group or User Details, select the Inactive check box.

  3. Click Save.

To see all inactivated groups and users on the Users list, apply the filter Status is Inactive.

Activating a Group or User

If necessary, you can activate the group or user again.

  1. Edit the group or user.

  2. On the Profile tab, under Group or User Details, clear the Inactive check box.

  3. Click Save.

Bulk Updating the Security List

To bulk update, select the users or groups you want to update and then click the action link at the top of the list (either Activate or Deactivate). To select multiple consecutive rows, select the first row and then press and hold Shift. Select the last row and then release Shift.

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