IMOS - MRV Reporting - Relevant Datasets
Voyage Leg Summary
The Voyage Leg Summary dataset contains many notable fields that make it particularly useful for MRV reporting. It contains data about completed portions of a voyage itinerary, specifically with a focus on vessel performance during that leg. This includes fields like port time, sea time, and berth time, as well as bunker consumption. Data appears in the Voyage Leg Summary dataset only when the leg is fully complete. For sea legs, this means a row appears when a vessel has departed a port and arrived at the next destination; for port calls, this means a vessel has arrived and departed the port.
Per Bunker Type Consumption
The Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS) is able to track up to six bunker types per vessel. Additionally, the Veson IMOS Platform tracks consumption details for three primary categories: sea, port, and berth. For each combination of bunker type and category, the Veson IMOS Platform contains the following data:
CO2 Emission: A calculation of total CO2 Emission using the CO2 Emission Factor and the coefficient.
To get the correct calculation out of the EEOI Reports, enter the Cargo MT for that specific day on the vessel in the Noon Report, and do not enter any other Displacement amounts.
CO2 Emission Factor: Pulled from the Fuel/Lube Types master data configuration in the Data Center.
Constant: EEOI emission factor, from the Extra Information for Report form.
Per Day Consumption by Category: The average consumption per day spent in the category (sea, port, or berth).
Total Consumption: The total consumption for the whole voyage leg.
Total Consumption by Category: The total consumption for the whole voyage leg by category.
Category Hours
The Voyage Leg Summary contains the total hours spent at various points within a voyage leg:
Berth Hours: The total time spent at berth during a port call, calculated as the time between All Fast and Departure.
In Port Hours: The total time spent during a port call, calculated as the time between arrival and departure.
Shifting Hours
Steaming Hours: The total time spent steaming at sea, calculated as the time between departure and arrival.
Time Elapsed at Anchorage: The time elapsed at anchorage while awaiting a berth; calculated as the time between Port Activities AL and AF.
Transport Work
The following data are used in total transport work calculation (cargo carried × distance traveled), which MRV regulation indicates should exclude ballast legs (BL Qty = 0):
BL Qty per leg
Berth Distance
In Port Distance
Shifting Distance
Steaming Distance
Voyage Leg Details
In the Voyage Leg Details dataset, the source of Deadweight (DWT) depends on the Event Type:
Noon, Arrival at Port, and Departure at Port use the leg Activity Report Deadweight value.
Arrival at Berth uses the previous leg details' Deadweight value.
Departure from Berth uses the upcoming leg details' Deadweight value.
Leg Delays/Events
Berth Events
The Leg Delays/Events form maps to berth events in the following way:
Reasons = Berth Events
Leg Delays/Events captures all required information for MRV and, consequently, houses all information required for MRV report definitions.