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Printing/Emailing the Officer Matrix

The Officer Matrix can be extracted from the system in a few different ways

From the ‘Actions’ at the Vessel Level menu, you can select:

View Officer Matrix: To download a PDF copy of the document

Email Officer Matrix: To email the PDF document directly from the website

When either of these two options is selected then you will be prompted to enter the date of the intended voyage.

The intended date will default to today’s date, and the officers' years of experience and months onboard will be calculated as of today.

If you wish to have the Officer Matrix PDF report calculate the officers’ experience basis a future date, then you can enter another date here before the PDF document is generated, and their officers' years of experience and months onboard will be calculated based on the future date entered.

Note: Charterers may request a copy of the vessel Officer Matrix basis the intended start date of the voyage. When the PDF document is created, you can see their experience and months tour basis the intended date entered.

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