Q88 - How to add attachments to a sent questionnaire
Emailing a questionnaire, most of the time requires a bunch of other documents or certificates to be sent along.
You can attach as many files as necessary, regardless if they live on the platform or your desktop.
From the Email Questionnaire window, press Add File:

Add file to send along with a questionnaire
A new window with the available certificates and documents will let you select which ones you wish to attach to the emailed questionnaire . Select by ticking off and press Attach at the bottom.

Select documents to be added via the Certificates module
In case the required document does not exist in the Certificate and Documents module, click on Add new Document and browse on your desktop to locate the required file.

Add New Document from your desktop
2. From the Email Questionnaire window, press Add Package:

Add package
A window with the available list of packages for your username and Company will open, enabling you to select the required one. Tick off to select and click Attach at the bottom page.

Select Package to be added
You can find instructions on how to create Packages here.