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Q88 - How to send an offline form of a questionnaire

After creating a questionnaire, go to the bottom of the page and find the Click to Continue button.

Send Offline (to vessel)

You select the Send Offline (to vessel).

This will get you to a new window, where a prepared message with the questionnaires displayed and the HTML file is attached, ready to be shared with the vessel.

There are clear instructions, which can be edited if you wish so.

The vessel’s email address is added by default as retrieved by the questionnaire relevant field.

You can add more recipients, edit the Subject and attach more files by pressing Add File or Add Package. 

Send offline to vessel Message view

Once reviewed, click on Send Email.

The vessel must open the attached file and start completing the questionnaire. At the end of the page, Submit needs to be clicked. If the Master needs to get a copy of the completed/ submitted questionnaire in Word format, the box must be ticked off.

By clicking Submit, the questionnaire is transmitted to an encrypted text, which needs to be copied and sent via email to

Encrypted text of the completed offline questionnaire

After 10-15 mins, the server receives the file and updates the online platform with all the included changes.

The user that initiated the process and any other user included in the Scheduled report: Create Questionnaire/ Offline Questionnaire will receive a notification advising that the Questionnaire has been updated by the vessel along with a table to display all applied changes.

Same list of updated items can be viewed within the Questionnaire by selecting the Updated Offline view here:

View the Updated offline items only

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