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How do I delete a Proforma DA or Final DA only?

Home > Operations FAQs > How do I delete a Proforma DA or Final DA only?

Clicking the Delete button on the Port Advance/DA form will delete the entire DA. However, you may want to just delete a Proforma DA (PDA) without deleting the related Final DA (FDA) vice versa.

Deleting a PDA Without Deleting Its Related FDA

  1. To delete a PDA without deleting its related FDA, first ensure that neither the PDA nor the corresponding FDA has been approved or posted.

  2. Proceed to:

    • Clear the field PDA Amount.

    • Change any existing value under the column Est In USD to 0.

  3. Save the Port Advance/DA form. The PDA is now deleted, without affecting the FDA.

Deleting an FDA Without Deleting Its Related PDA

  1. To delete an FDA without deleting its related PDA, clear the following fields:

    • Disbursement Inv No.

    • Disbursement Sent

  2. Save the Port Advance/DA form. The FDA is now deleted, without affecting the PDA.

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