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IMOS - Onboard

About Onboard

Onboard enables vessel captains to view the latest voyage information and communicate with a shoreside office. Benefits include:

  • Report to shore faster with less manual data entry. Forms (voyage reports) automatically populate and are validated based on previously submitted data.

  • Flexibly manage port operations and send updates to shore as plans change. You can add, remove, or change the order of berths and move cargoes between berths.

  • Stay on the same page with an up-to-date view of the voyage that matches what operators see.


Onboard requires a separate license, please contact your Veson Nautical Account Manager regarding licensing.

For initial setup and installation please consult Veson Nautical Professional Services.

To set up Onboard, Administrators can access Settings and Replication Status workspaces in the Data Center.

Logging In

To access Onboard for a local installation types, enter its URL (localhost:8080) in a browser address bar or use a desktop shortcut.

To access Onboard online simply login to  

Navigating Onboard

In Onboard, you can access the latest voyage and port call information from the Voyages/Port Calls list.

You can also do any of the following:

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