IMOS - Forms - Onboard
Note: You must have the View Object Right selected, under Forms.
On the Forms tab of voyage and port call details, with appropriate rights, you can save drafts, submit, and print forms.
Port and Voyage Forms List
The Port and Voyage Forms list shows required forms for the current voyage or port call.
As with any other list, you can search, select, filter, group, and sort columns, reset to the default view, save user views, and export.
In voyage details, you can view forms for either:
The entire voyage: Click the Voyage Number heading.
A specific Itinerary line: Click an Itinerary card.
In port call details, only forms for the current port call appear.
Form Details
To create a new form, for a Scheduled or Commenced voyage, click and then click a Form Name.
To open an existing form, click its row in the Port and Voyage Forms list.
Each form includes a Status:
Pending: Forms that require approval.
Pending with Errors: Forms that have errors that need to be corrected before they can be approved.
Approved: The form was approved, and its data was validated and imported.
Processing: The approved or resubmitted form is being validated.
Submitted: The form is not yet approved, or it was approved but there were approval errors.
Error: The form was submitted with an error.
Open for Resubmit: The form was previously approved and opened for resubmit, but the resubmit attempt resulted in new errors that need to be corrected.
Rejected: The form was rejected.
It can also include:
A message at the top:
If the form has an error, a message explaining the error appears, so it can be fixed.
If the form is not the most recent version, a message appears, so the latest version can be requested/sent. The form can still be approved.
Saving a Draft Form
You can create a new draft form or save changes to an existing one: Click .
Submitting a Form
If a form has not yet been submitted for approval, you can click to submit it.
Printing a Form
To print a form, click and then click a format (PDF, Excel, or Word).