To create a new form, for a Scheduled or Commenced voyage, click and then click a Form Name.
To open an existing form, click its row in the Port and Voyage Forms list.
Each form includes a Status:
Pending: Forms that require approval.
Pending with Errors: Forms that have errors that need to be corrected before they can be approved.
Approved: The form was approved, and its data was validated and imported.
Processing: The approved or resubmitted form is being validated.
Submitted: The form is not yet approved, or it was approved but there were approval errors.
Error: The form was submitted with an error.
Open for Resubmit: The form was previously approved and opened for resubmit, but the resubmit attempt resulted in new errors that need to be corrected.
Rejected: The form was rejected.
It can also include:
A message at the top:
If the form has an error, a message explaining the error appears, so it can be fixed.
If the form is not the most recent version, a message appears, so the latest version can be requested/sent. The form can still be approved.
Saving a Draft Form
You can create a new draft form or save changes to an existing one: Click .
Submitting a Form
If a form has not yet been submitted for approval, you can click to submit it.
Printing a Form
To print a form, click and then click a format (PDF, Excel, or Word).
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