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IMOS - Finding Fields with the Data Map

Note: You must have the Report List Module Right selected, under Quick Links in Analytics. The Data Map does not include Veslink Forms data.

When you are designing a report and want to include a particular field as a filter, a column, a group, or a function, you can find the table it is in by using the Data Map.

In the Analytics quick links, click



The Data Map includes:

  • Primary Tables: Those that appear initially in the Report Designer.

  • Table Details for all tables:

    • Fields: All fields in each table, with:

      • (Hyperlink) next to field names that the Report Designer outputs as hyperlinks.

      • Hyperlinks from joined fields to their tables.

    • One-to-Many Joins: Hyperlinks from one-to-many joins to their tables.


  • For users looking to report on the Original ETA field found in the Cargo Booking screen, this field is not present in the Cargo Booking table. Instead, this field stems from the Firming ETA field found in the Itinerary/Options tab of a Cargo/VC In contract. Therefore, users should construct reports using this value found in the Cargo Itinerary table.

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