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How do I request that a test database be refreshed with the latest copy of production?

Frequently, a client asks to refresh their test environment with real production data to test a new feature or process. The client may also want to restore the test over prod during go-live, where data may be loaded in the test environment for verification and copied to prod prior to go-live.

Database refreshes are requested by Veson IMOS Platform clients. On-Premise clients will refresh their test database by themselves.

To request the test database to be refreshed with the real production data, you will need to create the request through our portal, providing a time slot in the UTC time zone. Typically, an hour time slot is enough, but we would like to request a two-hour window from Clients for this change. This should be the window when users are logged out of the target system (test database). Production is not affected by the restoration process.

Please note that confirmation of the scheduled window is dependent upon the availability of our resources.
The maintenance window for the database refresh is not official unless otherwise confirmed. In the event that a request coincides with a public holiday within the specified time zone, we may need to reschedule for an alternative update window.

Kindly provide the following required details when raising a database refresh:

  1. What is the source environment/database name?

    1. Usually the Production environment data (E.g. ABCD_prod)

  2. What is the target environment/database name?

    1. Usually the Test environment data (E.g. ABCD_test)

  3. When can this be performed?

    1. Kindly provide two maintenance windows, each with a 2-hour period, with the earliest window being at least 48 hours in advance.

    2. Example: If you are raising the ticket on 10 December 12:00 UTC, the earliest maintenance window you can propose is 12 December 2023 12:00 to 14:00 UTC. And the second maintenance window can be any later date and time within the "Standard ISD request window“ table below.

    3. Changes CANNOT be accommodated at weekends.

  4. Do you want to preserve user info (i.e. Security list) on the target environment?

    1. Default is no. This means that the security list from the target environment will be replaced by the security list from the source environment.

    2. If the answer is yes, both the source and target environment must be on the same schema version.

  5. Is the IMOS source and/or target environment connected to Data Lake?

Overriding the configuration flags in the target (Usually test) environment can cause an environment to be inoperable, along with changes in the User Interface. Copying over the messaging configuration from the source environment (usually Production) can cause the data from the target environment to be inadvertently sent to the source environment.

Hence, please note that we will not accommodate requests to copy over the configuration flags or messaging service configurations from the source to the target environment.

Kindly reach out in your support request if you have any questions on the above.

Standard ISD request window (Mon-Fri, excluding regional public holidays):



Summer Time:

01:00 UTC

20:30 UTC

Winter Time:

01:00 UTC

21:30 UTC

Note: Any request outside the above times needs approval.

We require 2 working days' notice for a simple copy of the database (i.e. latest production copied to test) and 2 weeks' notice if you require the test database to be refreshed with a copy of production from a specific point in time in the past.

Before database restore

Before restoring a database copy, please keep in mind:

  • Configuration flag list will not be overwritten

  • Messaging service configuration will not be overwritten

  • Customers have the choice of whether the users are retained from the restore or overwritten (in question 4 above).

    • If you have a user that is used for API calls - take note of the email address of that user, and once the database is restored, change the email address back to the original one (i.e. before the DB restore) in the user profile of the Security list. Log out and log in again in order to see the Veslink API section.

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