You can track current and future freight and bunker rates on the Market Data form. You can see two views of this data on the Market Data Summary.
Market Data should be populated daily, in either of these ways:
Multiple data feeds from Baltic, Platts (bunker), and Imarex (freight and bunker) are supported. We can enable an interface for clients who have a signed contract with a data provider.
The data can be entered manually. You can enter future data up to 10 years from the current date, for P&L calculations.
To access Market Data, do one of the following:
On the Trading menu , under Data, click Market Data.
On the Operations menu , under Bunkers, click Market Data.
On the Data Center menu , under Market Data, click Market Data.
Market Data Form
Enter a new Market; you are asked if you want to create a new one (either a Freight or a Bunker market curve).
Select an existing Freight Market and the Route and Date, and you can see the Daily (Spot) rate and the Settlement Rates for the Last 7 Days, Last 10 Days, and Entire Month; the Future Rates; or the curve.
Select an existing Bunker Market and the Symbol, and you can see the Settlement Rates for the Last 7 Days, Last 10 Days, and Entire Month; the Future Rates; or the curve.
Multi-Market: You can select several markets of the same type (Freight/Bunker) to see their average rates. When a Route/Symbol is selected and the Date is entered, the average of all the selected markets appears. The Future Rates list is populated with the average value for each price bucket that existed in the original markets.
Determine if a market rate is out of date or recent.
Calc Forward Rates by No of Months CFGCalcForwardRatesByNoOfMonths
When enabled, when calculating forward rates, prorating will be based on the number of months in the quarter instead of the number of days in the quarter.
Controls the XML element used to get the index value for market data feeds. Possible tag values:
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