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IMOS - Market Data Summary

Home > Trading & Risk > Market Data Summary

Requires the Trading & Risk module or Market Data Access license. You must have the Market Data List Module Right selected.

The Market Data Summary provides two views of your Market Data, showing the data that is fed in for the selected Market.

  1. To access the Market Data Summary, do one of the following:

    • On the Trading menu

      , under Data, select Market Data Summary.

    • On the Operations menu 

      , under Bunkers, select Market Data Summary.

    • On the Data Center menu 

      , under Market Data, select Market Data Summary.

    • In the Trade Hub, on the left side bar, select Market Data.

  2. Select the Market.

  3. Select the Data:

    • Daily Data: Starting on the selected date, for each Route (for a Freight index) or Symbol (for a Bunker index), see the forward prices for that day and the next 15 days. Weekend days are only included if there is data.

      • To see the Market Data for a day, click its line. The form opens, and you can view and edit the data.

    • Historical Data: Across business days, for each Route, Index, and Period (for a Freight index) or Symbol and Period (for a Bunker index), see what the prices were.

      • To see the Daily Data for a date, click its link in the column heading.

Trade Hub Market Data Summary

In the Market Data Summary tab of the Trade Hub, you can evaluate market trends and spread.

It can be used to compare different freight and market routes over time, historically, and on a spot trend basis. With the graphical representation of freight and bunker market comparisons, you can make trade decisions in the context of market trends and forward rates.

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