IMOS - Other Loading Terms
Note: This form already includes standard terms.
Other Loading Terms are used when the Liner Terms option is turned on for cargo. This is linked to CP Term Details.
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Liner Terms
If configuration flag CFGShowLinerTerms is enabled, the following is affected:
The Liner Terms field appears in CP Term Details, which allows you to populate from the Other Loading Terms list of terms. This is for reference purposes.
The OExp$/t and LinerExp fields appear in the Cargo and CP Term Details itineraries. Entering an amount into this field will show as Cargo Expenses in the P&L. Despite the name, OExp$/t uses the local currency as defined in Curr and L/D Unit. Any cargo expense - as defined in the Operations Ledger - within the voyage, will drawdown from this estimate.
The Liner Cargo check box appears in the Cargo and CP Term Details forms. If this is selected:
Freight is calculated based on BL quantity, even if it exceeds the Max CP quantity (which is dictated by the option percentage in your CP terms).
For example, if CP quantity is 30,000 MT, and option is 10.00% MOLOO, then Max CP quantity should be 33,000 MT. However, when the Liner Cargo check box is selected, even if BL quantity exceeds 33,000, freight revenue is still calculated based on the BL quantity and not the Max CP quantity.
Extra freight terms do not apply.
The R check box appears in the Broker section of the Cargo and CP Term Details forms. This represents rebate and can be set to C - Is Broker Commission or R - Is Freight Rebate. If R is selected, once the Freight Invoice is generated, a Broker Commission Payment can be issued. This will be a Freight Rebate Invoice Type (Accounts Payable), which uses Business Rules FRBT:FCOMM and FRBT:FDCOM.