Requires Voyage Reporting. You must have the DashboardsModule Right selected, under Veslink Voyage Reporting in Veslink.
Powered by Microsoft Power BI
What are Performance Dashboards?
Performance Dashboards are visual analytics dashboards built off your Voyage Reporting form data. This feature comes packaged with all Voyage Reporting subscriptions. This standard Performance Dashboard showcases critical vessel performance data for your fleet, enabling you to gain insight and make decisions based on actual voyage information. It does not include access to IMOS data.
What does this feature include?
One standard template with your Voyage Reporting data prepopulated
One Power BI account to sign in to Power BI online
Ability to edit and publish the template via Power BI's online interface
Ability to see the dashboard on
Shareable Power BI dashboards
How to access your Performance Dashboard
Open the Dashboards workspace. Veson Nautical has uploaded the Power BI Dashboard to your Dashboards list.
How to edit your Performance Dashboard in Power BI
Go to
Sign in with the Power BI credentials that Veson Nautical provided to you.
On the My Workspace menu, click Reports and then click the report that Veson Nautical created for your Performance Dashboard.
Click Edit Report.
Use the tools on the right side panels to edit the report visuals and metrics.
On the File menu, click Save to publish any changes to the web, for changes to be reflected on
Is this data up-to-date?
Yes, you have access to any submitted Voyage Reporting forms.
Can I create more dashboards?
Yes, you can do this in two ways:
Click + next to the Performance Dashboard tab .
Import an external data source: Click Get Data below the menu
and import Files. You can import local Excel files to create local dashboards.
This tier of Performance Dashboards only includes one account access to Power BI. However, this one account can be shared with multiple users. Contact Veson Nautical via the Help Center for setup instructions.
Can Veson Nautical customize my Performance Dashboard?
Veson Nautical would be happy to customize any dashboards in an engagement; contact Veson Nautical Support with this request.
Why don't I see IMOS data?
This offering of Performance Dashboards only includes access to Voyage Reporting data.
Does the Veson IMOS Platform have the ability to display user metrics (e.g. specifically count the number of views and whose viewing a report)?
The Veson IMOS Platform does not possess this ability. For counting views and tracking who is viewing reports, this will need to be directly in the Power BI database.
Why do I see a window asking for my admin’s approval when connecting a Power BI Account?
You may see a pop-up window similar to the following when connecting a Power BI Account:
Approval required pop-up window in Power BI
Microsoft requires IT admin approval for applications like the one we use to integrate with Power BI. This pop-up window may look different depending on your IT department’s policy. Please follow your IT Department’s policy for approving 3rd party integrations. Once the application has been approved, all users can connect their Power BI Account without encountering this window.
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