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IMOS - Walkthrough - Scheduling a Voyage

The endpoint of standard workflows within the Chartering module is the scheduling of a voyage. This section shows you different paths to a voyage. Review each workflow diagram to learn about the steps.

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Voyage Estimate workflow diagram

For vessel owners and operators fixing spot business, creating an Estimate and then scheduling a voyage is a common workflow. In this case, the spot Cargo details are first entered in the Estimate as a tool for calculating and negotiating freight. As the deal progresses, the Estimate can be updated to be a highly accurate representation of a potential Voyage P&L before finally fixing the business and scheduling a voyage.

Create an Estimate > Create a Voyage > Hand Off to Operations

Cargo or VC In

Cargo or VC In workflow diagram

For a cargo owner/vessel charterer, creating a Cargo or VC In contract (which can be from a COA) and then scheduling the voyage is a common workflow. Optionally, you can create an Estimate before scheduling. It can also be used for operators who may have forward fixtures, particularly if your business has many COAs. Finally, for clients who use the Trading and Risk Management module, it is common to create your Estimate from a Cargo with a linked Benchmark Estimate.

Create a Cargo or VC In > Create an Estimate or Voyage > Hand Off to Operations

Time Charter In

Time Charter In workflow diagram

For long-term (several years) and period (several months) Time Charter In contracts, creating the TC, adding it to an Estimate, and then scheduling the voyage is a common workflow. For a long-term TC In, after the TC is created, it is treated like an owned vessel from that point forward. For a period TC In, after the TC is created, it is treated like an owned vessel until the point of redelivery, at which point the Chartering team must consider redelivery conditions like bunker quantity and port.

Create a TC In > Create an Estimate > Create a Voyage > Hand Off to Operations

Time Charter Out

Time Charter Out workflow diagram

For clients who are fixing their vessels on TC Out on a long-term basis with minimal ballasting, creating a Time Charter Out contract and then scheduling a voyage is a common workflow. Optionally, you can create an Estimate before scheduling.

Create a TC Out > Create an Estimate or Voyage > Hand Off to Operations

Time Charter Out Estimate

Time Charter Out Estimate workflow diagram

For clients who may be fixing on a trip or period basis with a ballast leg, creating a TC Out Estimate and then scheduling a voyage is a common workflow.

Create a TC Out Estimate > Create a Voyage > Hand Off to Operations

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