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IMOS - FuelEU Maritime Calculator


What is FuelEU Maritime?

FuelEU Maritime is an EU emissions-related regulation that will go into effect in 2025. The regulation is a technical calculation driven by the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of fuel consumed. This calculation generates a FuelEU Compliance Balance that can result in a penalty.

The commercial impacts (penalties) will increase exponentially on general fuel types such as HFO (estimated penalty ~$70/MT), MGO (estimated penalty ~$40/MT), and LSF (estimated penalty ~$50/MT), as the regulation moves to its different stages.

To support elements of this regulation, IMOS now includes a comprehensive FuelEU Calculation in the Voyage Estimator to help drive commercial decisions. 

The FuelEU Calculator

The FuelEU Calculator is available on the Estimate level to aid in commercial decision-making regarding the impact of FuelEU. The FuelEU calculation breaks down Consumption, Energy, GHG Intensities, and Compliance Balance by voyage leg, and displays voyage total Energy, Compliance Balance, and Penalty amounts.

Getting Started

This feature requires the configuration flag CFGEnableFuelEU to be enabled and Schema Version 463.

Accessing the FuelEU Calculator from the Carbon Calculator

To access the FuelEU Calculator, start by navigating to Estimates in the Chartering Module. From the Estimate, select Menu → Analysis → Carbon Calculator.

Menu bar estimates.png

Example estimate worksheet

menu analysis carbon calculator.png

Menu → Analysis → Carbon Caculator

From the Carbon Calculator, you can select the FuelEU tab located next to the EU ETS tab.

FuelEU 2.gif

Capturing the Emissions Factors

The Fuel/Lube Table under the Data Center has additional fields to capture the necessary FuelEU Factors per file type. Below are the default values defined by the EU in the published REGULATION (EU) 2023/1805 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL and Veson Nautical’s interpretation of the equation to calculate the WtT CO2eq and TtW CO2eq.

Fuel Type





WtT CO2eq

TtW CO2eq





























These values can be entered by navigating to Data Center → Fuel/Lube Type


The LNG Equivalent check box can be used to indicate an LNG fuel type where LNG is not the defined Fuel Type Code. Selecting this checkbox will apply the Cslip value based on the engine type defined under the vessel only. No other LNG behaviors will be applied.

  • If the Fuel Type Code is LNG, there is no need to select the checkbox.

  • If the Fuel Type Code is LNF (In reality LNG), select the checkbox to apply a Cslip factor.

  • If the Fuel Type is HFO, do not select the checkbox as Cslip is not required for this fuel

LNG with Cslip Factor

The LNG Cslip Factor depends on the LNG Engine as defined in the table below. To capture the Cslip for LNG, the Engine Type can be configured on a vessel.


Configuring the Engine Type on a Vessel

Navigate to Data Center → Vessel → Details Tab. Under the Details tab, there will be a field called Engine Make/Type, allowing for the types defined by the EU to be selected on the engine. Each engine type references the default Cslip value and is included in the FuelEU Calculation.


Understanding the FuelEU Calculator

Unlike EU ETS, which only considers emissions from Take to Wake, FuelEU Maritime looks at the entire lifecycle of the fuel. This is known as Well-to-Wake (WtW), which includes the Well-to-Tank (WtT) phase (this covers the generated emissions from the extraction, cultivation, production, and transportation of the fuel), and the Tank-to-Wake (TtW) phase (this covers the emissions generated during the combustion of the fuel).


How does FuelEU calculate the penalty?

Using the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Intensity Limit for the year and by calculating the GHG Intensity and Energy Used on Board during the voyage, the FuelEU Calculator determines the penalty using the equation below.

If a ship exceeds the FuelEU yearly intensity limits, there will be a penalty.

GHG Intensity: The amount of CO2, CH4, and N20 emissions per MJ of energy used, expressed in grams of CO2 equivalents

Formulas used

GHG Intensity Limit = 89.3368 (2025-2030)

WtT GHG Intensity - ( MT x 1,000,000 x 'WtT CO2e' x LCV ) / MJ

TtW GHG Intensity - ( MT x 1,000,000 x 'TtW CO2e' ) / MJ

WtW GHG Intensity (GHG Intensity of the Ship) - WtT GHG Intensity + TtW GHG Intensity

Total Energy - MT x 1,000,000 x LCV = MJ

Compliance Balance (MT) - (GHG Intensity Limit - GHG Intensity) x MJ / 1,000,000

Penalty - (GHG Intensity Limit - GHG Intensity) / GHG Intensity x MJ x Energy Penalty

Energy Penalty = 0.058

Compliance Balance and Penalty

The goal of the calculation is to drive two metrics: Compliance Balance and Penalty.

The Compliance Balance is the amount of equivalent carbon in grams (g/CO2eq). The FuelEu Calculator displays this in MT (x 1,000,000) as the unit is more intuitive.

The Fuel EU Penalty is the cost associated with the compliance (Compliance Balance x Energy Penalty = $)

  • Negative Compliance: Fuel EU Penalty. The fuel consumed during the voyage was over the compliance limit.

  • Positive Compliance: No Fuel EU Penalty. The fuel consumed during the voyage was compliant and created a compliance surplus.


Is LNG Fuel calculated differently?

Yes, LNG requires a special calculation dependent on the energy type used to consume LNG. The EU has set standards on a series of LNG Engine types and an associated Cslip factor that impacts the GHG Intensity.

I see FuelEU Maritime has a pooling option. Does the IMOS Pooling module support this?

No, this is a very specific use of the term pooling. FuelEU is not about operational pooling, this is about aggregating yearly GHG data across various vessels and determining whether they comply together.   

Related Configuration Flags



Enable FuelEU


When enabled, a tab in the Estimate's Carbon Calculator will appear to calculate the FuelEU Penalty.



When enabled, the Sustainability panel will appear in the Voyage Manager and display relevant metrics.

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