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IMOS - Trial Balance Summary

The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.

Note: You must have the Trial Balance Summary Module Right selected, under Quick Links in Financials.

On the Trial Balance Summary, you can select an account from the list to view its transactions.

Do one of the following:

  • On the main menu
    , under Financials, click Trial Balance.
  • In Financials quick links, click

As with any other list, you can search, select, adjust, pin, filter, group, and sort columns, reset to the default view, save user views, and export.

Account Details

To view the transactions associated with a specific account, on the Trial Balance list, click its row.

As with any other details view, you can navigate to a different record by clicking its card or return to the list by clicking its Name.

To view a transaction, click its row or Trans No link.

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