Note: Configuration flagCFGEnableShuttleFreightInvoicing must be enabled, and you must have the Agreed Transit BunkersModule Right selected, under Shuttle Tanker Freight in the Data Center.
The Agreed Transit Bunkers form is part of the Shuttle Tanker Workflow and enables you to create a set of rules that define return (theoretical) bunker consumption, which is used to calculate shuttle tanker freight.
On the Data Center menu, under Shuttle Tanker Freight, click Agreed Transit Bunkers.
Creating Rules
To create a rule:
Enter a rule Name and Description.
Enter an Effective Date, which will be compared one of the following to determine if the rule evaluates to true:
The BL Date for the first load port
The CP Date, if there is no BL Date
Under Use this rule if, add Conditions and/or Groups of Conditions. For each Condition, select the following:
Variable: Counterparty, Discharge Port, or Load Port.
Value: The Values available autocomplete. For example, for the Variable Load Port, the Port list will be the selection list for the values.
To add, insert, or delete Conditions or Groups, do one of the following:
Click ... to the right of Conditions/Groups and then click Add Condition, Insert Condition, Add Group, Insert Group, or Delete Condition.
Click Add Condition or Add Group under the list of Conditions.
A new Condition or Group is added to the previous one; to change from and to or, click and to the left of the condition and then click or. To change back, click or and then click and.
Conditions will be read in sequence. To change the sequence of Conditions or Groups, click ... to the right of Conditions/Groups and then click Move Condition Up, Move Condition Down, Move Group Up, or Move Group Down.
To stop processing when a rule is true, select Stop processing if true. Otherwise, the entire table will be read to find all true rules. The results from rules evaluating to true will be stored on the contract as saved values.
To add a Rule, right-click a Rule in the list of Rules in the navigation tree at the right, and then click Insert.
To add a Rule to the end of the current list of Rules, either click to create a blank rule or click to create a copy of the current Rule.
To view a different Rule, click (previous) or (next) or click it in the tree.
Rules will be read in sequence. To change the sequence, right-click a Rule in the tree and then click Move Up or Move Down.
To add an Otherwise row, to be read and displayed at the end of the list of rules, add a rule with Results but no Conditions. It displays Results in the contract if none of the other rules evaluates to true. Otherwise rules ensure that a shuttle tanker contract always has a Bunkers Return Quantity and Cost.
Save the form.
If a rule evaluates to true for a shuttle tanker contract, Results appear on the Shuttle Freight Breakdown and are used to calculate freight.
Enables the Shuttle Tanker Workflow and master data forms necessary for freight invoicing of time and bunkers for both the actual voyage and theoretical return legs, most commonly used by shuttle tankers.
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