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IMOS - Bill Viewer

The Bill Viewer includes the details to be included in the Journal. 

On the Monthly Accruals or Voyage Period Journals form, right-click a line item and then click Preview Journal.


Note: For accruals only, if CFGVoyaccAccrualType is set to a value other than Ops (the default), a check box column appears on the far right. To exclude a row from Monthly Accruals, clear its check box.

Related Configuration Flags




Enables an option to control the type of accrual items using Business Rules. There are five possible values:

  • Ops (default): No change in behavior for accruals; the items generated are set as configured in the Business Rules.

  • Act: New Business Rules are used for accruals. The items are grouped per their corresponding P&L accounts in the Business Rules (Accruals by Account). These are generated automatically upon opening the Business Rules form.

  • ActCounterparty: Same as Act, but the accruals are also itemized per vendor.

  • ActCounterpartyPort: Port expenses will be accrued on a separate line-item for each port and each counterparty, and all other items will be accrue per account and counterparty.

  • ActPort: Port expenses will be accrued on a separate line-item for each port and all other items will be accrued per account.

When set to a nondefault value, CFGVoyaccAccrualType adds a check box column to the Bill Viewer; to exclude a Bill Viewer row from Monthly Accruals, clear its check box.

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