IMOS - General Information, Cargoes, and Vessel Types - Cargo COA
In this section of the Cargo COA, complete the information as appropriate.
In the Cargo grid: Cargo Names that are allowed for the liftings under the contract.
In the Vessel Type grid: Vessel Types to fulfill the contract.
Related Configuration Flags
Sets the Cargo CP Quantity to theMax Lift Quantitywhen scheduling a single cargo voyage where discharge is after all loads in the itinerary, using Create New Voyage from a COA or a Cargo or Schedule Voyage from a Cargo. After initial scheduling, all changes to CP Quantity must be made manually; there will be no automatic updates.
Causes the Cargo selection on the Cargo form to respect the Cargo list in the linked COA.
Automatically assigns a Contract ID number on COAs.
If enabled, displays anLOB(Line of Business) field on the Address (Type W), Estimate, Voyage Fixture, Voyage, and contract forms.
Hides the Port Expense field on some forms, enablesstandards for expenses, and adds aPort Expenses Detailsform and a Port Expenses Details button on thePort Expenses Summaryto open it. When detail-level port expenses are being used, the PortExp column in the Voyage Itinerary behaves the same as the PortExp column in the Estimate itinerary:
For a port with no detail-level port expenses, you can edit its PortExp amount in the Voyage Itinerary Cargo Tab. The voyage P&L shows this amount as estimated expenses for that port.
For a port with a single detail-level expense, that amount appears and can be edited in the voyage itinerary PortExp field. An estimated expense entered before creating the detail-level expense is no longer displayed in the voyage P&L.
For a port with multiple detail-level expenses, the itinerary PortExp field shows the sum of the detail-level expenses for that port and cannot be edited.
WhenCFGVoyageExpenseAllocationis set to Y, a Voyage Expense Allocation section will be added to the Voyage Estimate Profit & Loss Report, and optionally to the Voyage Profit & Loss Report.
AnECA Factorfield also appears on COA, Cargo/VC In, and CP Terms Details forms. WhenECAFactoris used in anIMOS ECA Recovery ChargeResults/Fee expression and anECA Factorvalue is entered on a contract, anECA Recovery ChargeExtra Freight Termis generated on that contract.
When a COA is created from an Estimate, ECA Factor is copied from CP Terms to the COA.
When a COA Lifting is created, ECA Factor is copied from the COA to the Cargo.
When a cargo is scheduled, ECA Factor is copied from the cargo to the backcreated Estimate.
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