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IMOS - Intercompany Security

Note: Configuration flag CFGEnableIntercompanySecurity must be enabled, and you must have the Intercompany Security Module Right selected, under Setup in Financials.

The Intercompany Security form enables you to establish which of your internal companies can transact with each other.

On the Financials menu , under Setup, click Intercompany Security.

To set up Intercompany Security:

  1. In the Company Name field, select the internal company you want to configure.

  2. For each internal company with which the selected company can transact, add a row and then select a Company Code.

  3. Save the form. Invoices or journal entries constituting transactions between internal companies not authorized per the setup on the Intercompany Security form cannot be posted.

Related Configuration Flags


Enables Intercompany Security, which enables you to establish which of your internal companies can transact with each other. Invoices or journal entries constituting transactions between internal companies not authorized per the setup on the Intercompany Security form cannot be posted.

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