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IMOS - Master Contract

The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.

A Master Contract is like a template you can use to organize and differentiate different types of COAs, if you have multiple layers in your contracts. For example, you might want to see all your COAs that are with the same Charterer together, even if they have different rates for different years.

Master Contract List

The Master Contract List contains all Master Contracts that you have the right to view.

On the Chartering menu

, under Cargo, next to Master Contract, click List.

Master Contract

To view an existing Master Contract, on the Master Contract List, click its row or Contract No. link.

To create a new Master Contract to group Cargo COAs, do one of the following:

  • On the Master Contract List, click


  • On the Chartering menu 

    , under Cargo, click Master Contract.

As with any other details view, you can navigate to a different record by clicking its card or return to the list by clicking its Name.

  1. Enter a Contract Number and press Enter.

  2. A confirmation message asks if you want to create a new contract. Click Yes.

  3. Enter the Charterer and other appropriate information.

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