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IMOS - Example Reports - Report Designer

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Report Definitions

Report Definition (click to download)


Account Analysis with Debit/Credit Columns

A base report built on the Account Analysis table that breaks displays the AmountBase value in a Debit or Credit column according to account type.

Budget Report

A base report for estimating budget based on Voyages and Voyage Estimates. A workflow change is required to create Voyage Estimates with Estimate ID starting with BUDGET to designate budget estimates.

COA Performance Report

A base report showing fixture performance per Cargo, grouped by COA ID.

Completed Voyages Bunker Report

Evaluates the current snapshot for voyages of status Completed and highlights if there is a discrepancy between Actual and Posted.

Module Access Report

Uses a join between the User and Module Access tables to show a summary of Module Rights by user. A similar report can be created for object rights by joining the User table to the Object Access table.

Task Compliance Report

A base report showing assigned tasks and highlights based on risk.

Login Report

A report built on the Audit Trail table that shows user logins and login methods.

Note: This report does not record login from the Launch IMOS or Parachute method.

Pending Invoices

A base report built on the Operations Invoice table to list all invoices that are not yet posted.

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