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IMOS - Invoice Actions

Configuration flag CFGEnableInvoiceNotes enables the Invoice Action log on the Receivables Summary and Payables Summary.

With Invoice Actions, you can set up the types of actions that can be logged; you might record past or future actions relating to the collection or payment process.

Setting Up Invoice Actions

To set up Invoice Actions to be logged:

On the Financials menu

, under Setup, click Invoice Actions.

Logging Invoice Actions

To log invoice actions, in the Receivables Summary and Payables Summary, click the Notes link on the invoice line.

Select a Follow-Up Action; fields are provided to record notes and manually track paid and outstanding amounts.

You can also select Follow-up columns in the Summary to create user views that show follow-up activities organized by follow-up date.

Related Configuration Flags

Adds an Invoice Action log to record follow-up activities for each invoice, where you can record past or future actions relating to the payment collection process. Also adds a Notes link to the Action column of the Receivables and Payables Summaries.

CFGEnableActionsForNonPostedInvoicesIf enabled, the Invoice Actions grid in Receivables Summary and Payables Summary is enabled even for invoices that have not yet been posted.
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