IMOS - Optimizing Your Schedule
Home > Schedule Optimizer > Optimizing Your Schedule
Requires the Schedule Optimizer module.
You can optimize your schedule from the Scheduling workspace, or from the Cargo Book workspace. Based on parameters set in the Programs panel, your team can generate scheduling solutions optimized for flow assurance and fleet utilization.
This article describes the process of Running the Schedule Optimizer as well as How Optimization Works.
Jump to the section on how to optimize your schedule from the Cargo Book workspace.
Optimizing Your Schedule from the Scheduling Workspace

Running the Schedule Optimizer from the Scheduling Workspace
To run the Schedule Optimizer from the Scheduling Workspace, do the following:
Select a Scheduling Program
In the Scheduling workspace, select a program from the Programs panel.
If a user previously ran the Schedule Optimizer, the most recently viewed solution appears. You can navigate back to the program using breadcrumb links at the top of the panel.
Select an Optimizer Basis
Select one of the following as the Optimizer Basis:
Percent of Laycans Met | Total TCE |
Optimizes for the highest percent of cargoes lifted in your Cargo Book for your fleet’s Open Positions. | Optimizes for the largest sum of Time Charter Equivalents (TCEs) for all suggested Estimates per solution.
Click “Optimize Schedule”
After the previous setup steps are complete, do the following:
Click the Optimize Schedule button.
The top three solutions are calculated. The maximum result, Solution 1, appears by default.
To view a different solution, click ⯆ and then click Solution 2 or Solution 3.
Optimization Warnings appear to:
Explain why cargoes and vessels are not used
Indicate whether or not solutions are approximated
Suggested Estimates appear in the following ways:
In Scheduling, as white voyage cards with a blue dashed border. They remain on the schedule for the current program until either they are deleted or the Schedule Optimizer runs again.
Note: The Schedule Optimizer respects blocked time set by schedule notes. For a given vessel, if a note is set, any suggested Estimate will be scheduled after the note end date.
Work with Suggested Estimates
To act on a suggested Estimate, do any of the following:
Right-click a suggested Estimate and then click:
Save Estimate: Create an Estimate.
Estimate Remarks: Add Estimate Remarks.
Override Laycans: Adjust the laycan From Date and/or To Date and then click Save.
To reset either of the dates, click the Reset button above it:
In the Scheduling schedule, right-click a suggested Estimate and then click:
Delete Estimate: Remove the suggested Estimate from the schedule.
Lock/Unlock Estimate: Lock the suggested Estimate to keep it on the schedule, even when the Schedule Optimizer runs again.
CargoID: Number: Open the Cargo contract.
On the Scheduling or Cargo Book Programs panel, click one of the following buttons:
Show Debug Log: Obtain debugging information to troubleshoot why certain cargoes are dropped or certain vessels are chosen over others.
Clear Suggested Estimates: Clear all unlocked suggested Estimates from the schedule.
IMPORTANT NOTE: once you are done working with suggested estimates, you must save your work- nothing is automatically saved after you run the optimizer!
Optimizing Your Schedule from the Cargo Book Workspace
To run the Schedule Optimizer from the Cargo Book Workspace, do the following:
Select a Scheduling Program
In the Cargo Book workspace, select a program from the Programs panel.
If a user previously ran the Schedule Optimizer, the most recently viewed solution appears. You can navigate back to the program using breadcrumb links at the top of the panel.
Click “Optimize Schedule”
Click the Optimize Schedule button.
The top three solutions are calculated. The maximum result, Solution 1, appears by default.
To view a different solution, click ⯆ and then click Solution 2 or Solution 3.
Optimization Warnings appear to:
Explain why cargoes and vessels are not used
Indicate whether or not solutions are approximated
Suggested Estimates appear in the following ways:
In the Cargo Book list, as Cargoes with Cargo Status Suggested Estimate.
Note: The Schedule Optimizer respects blocked time set by schedule notes. For a given vessel, if a note is set, any suggested Estimate will be scheduled after the note end date. This is valid even if you are working from the Cargo Book workspace
Work with Suggested Estimates
To act on a suggested Estimate, do any of the following:
Right-click a suggested Estimate and then click:
Save Estimate: Create an Estimate.
Estimate Remarks: Add Estimate Remarks.
Override Laycans: Adjust the laycan From Date and/or To Date and then click Save.
To reset either of the dates, click the Reset button above it:
Change Vessel: Select a different vessel.
In the Scheduling schedule, right-click a suggested Estimate and then click:
Delete Estimate: Remove the suggested Estimate from the schedule.
Lock/Unlock Estimate: Lock the suggested Estimate to keep it on the schedule, even when the Schedule Optimizer runs again.
CargoID: Number: Open the Cargo contract.
On the Scheduling or Cargo Book Programs panel, click one of the following buttons:
Show Debug Log: Obtain debugging information to troubleshoot why certain cargoes are dropped or certain vessels are chosen over others.
Clear Suggested Estimates: Clear all unlocked suggested Estimates from the schedule.
Schedule Dropped Cargoes
A dropped cargo is a cargo that the optimizer could not successfully fit into any of its solutions.
To schedule a dropped cargo, right click on the row, then select Schedule Suggested Estimate. Then, select a new vessel and select Schedule and Lock Suggested Estimate to lock the suggested estimate into your cargo schedule.
Note: Once you are done working with suggested estimates, you must save your work. Nothing is automatically saved after you run the optimizer.
How Optimization Works
In addition to the parameters you enter on the Programs panel, scheduling optimization takes into account:
Cargo Laycan From/To (in GMT), Option %/Type, Min Qty, weight, volume, and load/discharge duration.
Cargoes are assigned to vessels that can meet the start of laycan as highest priority. If no vessel can meet the start of laycan, then the Schedule Optimizer looks for a vessel that can meet the laycan window. A vessel is scheduled to arrive at its load port as soon as possible before the laycan.
Multiple cargoes are only scheduled to the same voyage if their laycans overlap.
If no unassigned vessel can perform 100% of the CP Qty, the Schedule Optimizer looks for vessels that can perform a quantity within the optional percentage.
Vessel open positions, Speed Laden, Speed Ballast, and Max Lift.
For open positions, standard and alias ports are supported. When the open port for a vessel is TBN or a custom port, it is excluded from the optimization scenario.
The cost of traveling between ports, based on the latest sea lanes and nautical charts in Distances.