IMOS - Task Groups
A Task Group is a collection of Tasks that can be assigned to various objects. On the Task Groups form, you can create, edit, or delete Task Groups.
In Chartering, you can use Task Groups to bulk-import Tasks to a Cargo, Estimate, or Voyage Template, or any combination of them.
In Operations, you can add a Task Group to an individual voyage in the Tasks and Alerts panel for the voyage.
Start by defining Task Groups for your Chartering workflow and your Operations workflow. You may need to expand into more specific groupings, depending on the business being fixed.
Creating a Task Group
On the Data Center menu , under Other, click Task Groups.
Type a Name for the Task Group.
Select the Objects this Task Group applies to: Cargo, Voyage Estimate, Voyage (Template), or All.
Type a Description of the Task Group, including instructions for use. The Description appears in the selection list when adding the Task Group to the object.
Add a line item for each Task, including its Task Category.