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In the Voyage Manager, you can view all voyage information in context and in a centralized workspace. In addition to global panels, workspace panels display the voyage P&L, Summary (overview with links to relevant information), Invoices, Forms (voyage reports submitted by vessels), Voyage Instructions, Contacts, Notes, and Properties. You can also switch between a detailed and map view of the itinerary.
To view an existing voyage, do one of the following:
On the Voyage List, click its row or Voyage No.link.
Most of these panels can be expanded; in that case, the Voyage Manager is collapsed:
You can also access the Documents panel from the Voyages workspace.
Tutorial: Accessing Voyage Panels and Map View
Note: This tutorial is a GIF, which plays on a loop and does not include any audio narration. To restart the tutorial, refresh this page. To expand the tutorial, click it.
General Information
General information is at the top of the Voyage Manager; different fields can appear, depending on the Operation Type and your configuration.
The required fields, Vessel and Voyage Number, are pulled in from the Time Charter Out, Voyage Fixture, or Create New Voyage form. With configuration flagCFGAllowOpsVoyageRenumbering enabled and the Edit Voyage NumberModule Right, you can specify a new Voyage Number.
Once a voyage is created, you cannot change the nominated Vessel. If you need a different vessel, a new voyage must be scheduled.
Consecutive Voyage: Select to synchronize the Voyage Completing date/time and end bunker lots of the previous voyage with the Voyage Commencing date/time and opening bunker lots of the current voyage.
LS Only: Select to use low-sulfur fuel only for all consumption. This will overwrite any Fuel Zone applied to the voyage.
In the Itinerary grid, enter each Port Name and Function.
Function: Some Port Functions drive default behavior at the port. For example, L and D require cargo handling; Y and Z require delivery and redelivery.
If bunkers have been received at a port, or if actual Port Expenses have been entered, that port cannot be changed to functions C, P, or T. These functions have no port time, so no bunkers can be received, and no port expenses can be incurred.
When Port itinerary is created, by default, row colors alternate between white and grey colors for clearer depiction. The color will change when certain port functions are assigned:
'‘I'’ - Canal Transit : Row color changes to light blue
‘M' - multi-purpose : Row color changes to orange
Manually assigning 'P' function to a specific port or point : Row color changes to light blue
Miles defaults based on the Veson IMOS Platform Distances table and is calculated in the following way:
When the preceding sea leg is completed and the observed distances are reported in the Activity Reports, the value is the sum of the reported observed distances. It is shown in black to indicate it as the actual distance.
If the preceding sea leg is not yet completed, or if any observed distance was not reported in the preceding sea leg, the value will remain as the estimated value. It is shown in grey to indicate it as an estimated distance.
Editing Miles adjusts bunker consumption and port arrival and departure.
By default, the Miles (nm) value is back-calculated by the system. However, it can manually be changed before Activity Reports are submitted.
Speed defaults basis the Vessel form. Editing this field adjusts bunker consumption and port arrival and departure.
WF% (Weather Factor) and XS (Extra Sea Days, with a day value), and P Days (Port Days) can also be adjusted to manipulate the Itinerary.
St (Status) for each port changes, based on Port Activities:
.. = Not arrived
AR = Arrived
SA = Sailed
TE = Terminated; sailed from the last port in the voyage
A Transit port (Port Function P or I) can be locked to prevent it from being changed or removed: Right-click the port and then click Lock Transit Port. A locked Transit port has a light blue background in the Itinerary.
A Transit port cannot locked by default. To remind users to lock a Transit port, you can create anacknowledgeable Alertat the Voyage level.
Actual arrival and departure times are black; estimated times are blue.
Upcoming ports with insufficient bunkers are red.
If the bunkers ROB falls under the safety margin (specified per fuel type for the Vessel), the text in the port line turns red, and the Voyage Validation icon turns red , so you can plan to get more bunkers. To work with bunkers, click Bunkers.
To enter Fixture and/or Operations Itinerary remarks, click Fixture Itinerary Remarks or Operations Itinerary Remarks, enter the remarks, and then click OK.
You can also take the following actions on Itinerary line items using the line item menu:
Insert Port
Delete Port
Lock Transit Port (Port Function P or I): Prevent the port from being changed or removed.
Routing: Select a route from different options.
Move Up
Move Down
If the port has associated Pilot Stations (configuration flagCFGEnablePortPilotStations must be enabled):
This tab enables you to view twice as many port call lines without having to scroll.
BL Info Tab
The BL Info tab is a view of Cargo Handling, with Bill of Lading information and actual Ship quantities.
You do not have to open the Cargo Handling form; you can update this information here.
When operating a RELT voyage, only cargo handling lines for Sale (Cargo) contracts are permitted to be entered on the BL Info tab. If cargo handling lines for linked Purchase (VC In) contracts are present, contact Veson Nautical Support via the Help Center for troubleshooting assistance.
The decimal places set for BL/Disch. Qty are hard-coded and cannot be changed.
Cargo and Draft/Restrictions Tabs
The Cargo and Draft/Restrictions tabs are the same as on the Voyage Fixture. If something changes, you do not have to go back to the Voyage Fixture; you can make any adjustments here.
Bunkers Tab
The Bunkers tab displays the Arrival and Departure date and time for each port, with the amounts for each bunker type on arrival, received, and on departure.
On the Voyage Manager Itinerary, you can update arrival/departure ROBs on the Bunkers tab for upcoming ports to effectively plan and manage your voyages. Once edited, values appear blue to indicate a manual override. Actualized ROBs and commencing ports are not editable.
Port/Date Tab
The Port/Date tab is the default tab.
If two loading ports with the same cargo name are entered on the Cargo or CP Terms tab, they will appear as one loading port on the Port/Date tab.
For LNG Carriers, this tab includes an additional Fuel Cons Mode column. The Fuel Consumption Mode can be specified separately for each voyage leg. These defaults can be overridden on any leg:
Dual Fuel
IFO Only
LNG Only
Arrival: If you cannot edit the ETA for a port in the Arrival column, follow these steps:
Open the Activity Report for the port that the vessel most recently arrived at or sailed from.
In the DstToGo column, if the value is 0, enter the DToGo (Distance to Go) value from the voyage for that leg.
Save and exit the Activity Reports form.
Save the voyage. The ETA at the next port should be editable.
At the bottom of the grid, Avg Speed = Total Miles / Total Sea Days / 24 Hours per Day
The ID No, or port sequence number, cannot be altered in an existing line item of the itinerary (e.g., you cannot change a port's ID No from 300 to 123 or 301). However, you can delete and re-add the port into the itinerary; this will change the ID No to the next available value, in increments of 100.
Consumption Tab
Setting the value of configuration flagCFGVoyageFormat to 1 enables the Consumption tab and adds Anchor In, All Fast, Alongside, and Anchor Out columns to the Port/Date tab.
B/L: Indicates if the vessel is Ballast or Laden during a port call. If Auto is selected, then the system determines ballast or laden status based on any cargo quantities entered on the itinerary.
CO2 (MT): Calculates CO2 emitted. If a fuel's CO2 Factor is ≤ 1.0000 or empty, the CO2 (MT) column will not calculate and will appear light red.
CO2 emissions are calculated by multiplying bunkers consumed by their associated CO2 Factors for the designated voyage leg. If multiple grades of bunkers are consumed, your CO2 emissions will show the joint value of all CO2 emissions for the associated voyage leg.
ECA Miles: Shows the ECA distances between port calls.
Instr Type: Instruction type; appears if Vessel Type Fuel Warranty Table is other than None.
At the bottom of the grid, Avg Speed = Total Miles / Total Sea Days / 24 Hours per Day
Properties Tab
On the Properties tab, when User-Defined Fields are set up in the Data Center, they can be selected here and values entered for them.
Cargoes Grid
The Cargoes grid displays any cargoes from the Voyage Fixture. You can add a row to add cargo; if you have multiple cargoes for one port or one cargo loading or discharging at multiple ports or berths, enter each on a separate row.
Many options are available from the Cargoes line item menu. On a line item, right-click and then click any of the following:
CP Terms Details: Open CP Terms Details, which describes the charter party terms for the cargo. To view the Cargo form, on the CP Terms Details form, click View.
CP Quantity Details: Open the CP Quantity Details, with quantity and billing details.
Options to adjust the Cargo:
Import Cargo: Set search criteria and select one or more Cargoes.
Swap Cargo: Search for a different cargo and either change the itinerary or select the check box to keep the current load and discharge information. For a non-relet voyage, the swapped out cargo is marked as unfixed.
Swap Sale Cargo: For RELT voyages, when VC Ins are enabled, search for a different cargo and either change the itinerary or select the check box to keep the current load and discharge information. After a new Sale Cargo is selected, the voyage is repriced, and the operational data is bound to the new Cargo.
Insert New
Duplicate Cargo
Remove Cargo
Cargo Loss: Open the Cargo Loss form to enter information about cargo losses.
The following differences are related to Tow voyages and the Barging module:
In the Cargoes grid, the Frt Rate column is highlighted in light pink for cargoes of Freight Type E.
A tooltip displays the contract rate/day for the cargo, based on the equipment participation in the voyage as of:
Current system date
Voyage Completing date for voyages in the past
Voyage Commencing date for voyages in the future
Managing a Voyage
Step Number
Key Information: About Voyage Status
Validation symbol: If information is not complete and correct, click the symbol to see a message describing any issues.
: All information is complete.
: Some information is missing.
: The form contains one or more errors.
To save the voyage, click
By default, the voyage Status is Scheduled.
When the voyage begins, change the voyage Status from Scheduled to Commenced.
When the voyage Status is changed from Scheduled to Commenced, the Status for the first port changes to Sailed.
As you continue through each port, right-click the port line and click Port Activities to enter Port Activities for the voyage. The Itinerary updates with any changes.
When you are traveling between ports, right-click the port line and click Activity Reports to track information in the Activity Reports.
To enter Port Advances or Expenses, right-click the port line and click Port Expenses. As you enter financial information, it appears on the P&L tab.
To enter Voyage Other Revenues and Expenses not associated with a port or with freight, click Other Rev/Exp and then click Other revenues and expenses.
When the Start Sea Passage Port Activity is entered for the last port, the port Status changes to TE (Terminated).
The voyage Status also changes to Completed. Port, bunker, cargo, and financial data can still be modified.
After all voyage transactions are completed, change the Status to Closed.
After the voyage Status is changed to Closed, the voyage cannot be modified.
For industry-specific voyage management workflows, see Barging, LNG, and Pooling module documentation.
Related Configuration Flags
Set a default view for the Voyage Manager side panel CFGDefaultVoyPanel
When enabled, the Voyage Manager panel loads a selected view by default when you enter a value between one and eleven that corresponds to the following views: 1 - P&L, 2 - Sustainability, 3 - Summary, 4 - Invoices, 5 - Notifications, 6 - Revisions, 7 - Forms, 8 - Instructions, 9 - Contacts, 10 - Notes, 11 - Properties.
If you set the value to 0, no side panel will be visible on page load. The default configuration flag value is 1, which maintains the existing view.
Nomination Date On Fixture And Voyage CFGNominationDateOnFixtureAndVoyage
When enabled, a new Nomination Date value is added to the Voyage Fixture and the Voyage Manager objects. When the vessel is nominated to a cargo, the nomination date must be populated manually. This date can be separate from the Fixture Date, the Voyage Commencement Date, or CP Date on the cargo. When the nomination date is populated on the Fixture, it will carry down to the Voyage Manager on scheduling. If the nomination is updated on the Voyage it will update the Fixture.
When enabled, users can specify a new Voyage Number for a voyage by modifying the corresponding field in the Voyage Manager or the Voyage Fixture, or by rescheduling the voyage via the Voyage Manager Copy toolbar button. In addition, the Edit Voyage Number Module Right appears, allowing this ability to be granted to certain users but not others.
Auto Complete Voyage CFGAutoCompleteVoyage
Sets the Voyage Status to Completed if a Departure report has been entered for the last port call of the voyage. This applies only to voyages that do not end in a Terminating (T) port.
Cargo Handling Trade No Title CFGCargoHandlingTradeNoTitle
Provides an override for the column title of the Trade No. column, which is enabled with CFGEnableCargoHandlingTradeNo. Leaving the setting blank causes the column title to remain Trade No.
Default Forecast Voyage Status CFGDefaultForecastVoyStatus
When this and Enable Forecast Voyage configuration flags are enabled, initial Voyage Status is Forecast by default instead of Scheduled.
Default Lob on Cargo Import CFGDefaultLobOnCargoImport
When importing a cargo, specifies whether or not the LOB specified on the imported cargo should be used to default the LOB on an Estimate, Voyage Fixture, and Voyage if an LOB has not yet been specified.
Default Trade Area on Cargo Import CFGDefaultTradeAreaOnCargoImport
Enables defaulting the Trade Area on a voyage to the one from the imported Cargo.
Default Voyage DA Desk Enabled CFGDefaultVoyageDADeskEnabled
For every newly scheduled voyage, selects the DA-Desk check box (enabled by CFGShowDADeskCheckBox) by default.
Default Weather Factor CFGDefaultWeatherFactor
Specifies the default value in the DWF % field.
Enable BL Info Comm ID CFGEnableBLInfoCommID
When enabled, the Voyage Manager BL Info tab shows the Commercial ID of each cargo parcel.
Enable BL Info Reference No CFGEnableBLInfoRefNo
When enabled, the Voyage Manager BL Info tab shows the reference number of the cargo associated with each parcel.
Enable Cargo Handling Trade No CFGEnableCargoHandlingTradeNo
Note: CFGEnableMultiGrade must also be enabled.
Y = If multigrade cargoes are enabled, adds a Trade No. column to the Estimate Itinerary Cargo tab, Voyage Fixture, Voyage Manager, Cargo Itinerary/Options tab, and (when config flag CFGEnableActInvDetProrationByItin is enabled) Cargo Itinerary Allocation form. Additionally, if cargo transfers are enabled, the column is added to the Transfers tab. This is a free-text field, where users can enter identifiers for a trade associated with the given cargo lifting.
R = All the functionality of the Y setting is enabled, except that the Trade No. column is read-only.
Enable COA Seq in Operations Overview CFGEnableCOASeqInOpsOverview
When enabled, in the Ops Overview tab of the Voyage Manager (enabled with CFGEnableVoyManagerOpsOverview), the cargo grid includes a CS column that shows the lifting sequence number for COA cargoes.
Adds Laycan From and Laycan To columns to this form.
When CFGChartererView is enabled, these columns will be named Window From and Window To.
When CFGVoyapiValidateCargoLaycanForPort is enabled, the Laycan dates will be validated against the ETA/ETD of the voyage. If CFGVoyapiValidateCargoLaycanForPort is not enabled, validation will be against the Laycan dates in the header of the Cargo form.
Enable Manual Vessel Name Complete CFGEnableManualVesselNameComplete
When enabled, on the Voyage Manager and New Laytime Calculation Setup forms, the Vessel field will only autocomplete when the user presses Enter.
Enable OPA CFGEnableOPA
Sets the OPA in the Voyage Fixture and in the Voyage Manager. Adds a Persistent check box to the Cargo Name form.
Enable Standards CFGEnableStandards
Hides the Port Expense field on some forms, enables standards for expenses, and adds a Port Expenses Details form and a Port Expenses Details button on the Port Expenses Summary to open it. When detail-level port expenses are being used, the PortExp column in the Voyage Itinerary behaves the same as the PortExp column in the Estimate itinerary:
For a port with no detail-level port expenses, you can edit its PortExp amount in the Voyage Itinerary Cargo Tab. The voyage P&L shows this amount as estimated expenses for that port.
For a port with a single detail-level expense, that amount appears and can be edited in the voyage itinerary PortExp field. An estimated expense entered before creating the detail-level expense is no longer displayed in the voyage P&L.
For a port with multiple detail-level expenses, the itinerary PortExp field shows the sum of the detail-level expenses for that port and cannot be edited.
When CFGVoyageExpenseAllocation is set to Y, a Voyage Expense Allocation section will be added to the Voyage Estimate Profit & Loss Report, and optionally to the Voyage Profit & Loss Report.
An ECA Factor field also appears on COA, Cargo/VC In, and CP Terms Details forms. When ECAFactor is used in an ECA Recovery Charge Results/Fee expression and an ECA Factor value is entered on a contract, an ECA Recovery ChargeExtra Freight Term is generated on that contract.
When a COA is created from an Estimate, ECA Factor is copied from CP Terms to the COA.
When a COA Lifting is created, ECA Factor is copied from the COA to the Cargo.
When a cargo is scheduled, ECA Factor is copied from the cargo to the backcreated Estimate.
Enable USCG Inspection CFGEnableUSCGInspection
When enabled, a USCG Inspection option is added to the right-click menu for US Ports on the Voyage Manager Port/Date tab and on the port menu that appears when clicking the Port link on the Ops Overview tab. On the USCG Inspection form, users can specify whether the USCG inspection has occurred and, if yes, the date of the inspection. This inspection date flows to the Laytime Calculator and appears above the Port Activities grid. If there are US ports in the voyage itinerary, the user is blocked from setting the voyage status to completed until at least one of the ports has the USCG Inspection field set to Yes.
Adds an Ops Overview view to Voyages; to access it, on the details or map view of a voyage, click . Usually used for tankers, this view provides an alternate interface for managing voyages, providing expanded details about bunkers, cargo handling, and voyage tasks for each port call in the voyage itinerary. Features include:
Port Status can be specified on this view, to appear on the Voyage List.
When there is an Alert on the charterer in the Address Book, the Charterer field in the Ops Overview is highlighted in pink, and a tooltip over the Charterer field shows the Alert text.
To access the menu of port actions including Port Activities, Activity Reports, Cargo Handling; select the Port Name hyperlink. This menu includes the ability to manually create tasks related to the specified port.
To add LOI/BL Status information, right-click a cargo handling line item and then click LOI/BL Status.
24 hour bunker consumption- from the latest reported ‘at sea’ noon report containing bunker consumption figures.
Enable Voyage Type Checkboxes CFGEnableVoyTypeCheckboxes
Adds Pool, Ice, Clean, and Coated check boxes to the Estimate and Voyage Fixture for reporting for bulk vessels. They are carried to the Voyage Manager, and their statuses flow between the forms.
Add a CP Terms tab in the Itinerary grid rather than having a Cargoes Grid. This allows you to view twice as many port call lines without having to scroll.
Group by Func on Cargo Import CFGGroupByFuncOnCargoImport
When importing a Cargo contract, new ports for cargo loads will be added to the itinerary immediately after the last existing load port. Likewise, new ports for discharging will be added after the last existing discharge port. This behavior will not apply if M ports are present in the itinerary.
Group Cargo Handling by Func CFGGroupCargoHandlingByFunc
Groups cargoes by port function. This will cause an L and D to be grouped as an L when scheduled; otherwise, you will get two lines at the same port in the Voyage Manager.
Hides corresponding columns on the Voyage Manager Itinerary grid, based on a comma-separated list of values. For example, to hide the Berth and XSD columns, set this config flag to Berth,XSD.
Valid values:
Day: Arrival and Departure Day
Rebill for Offhire CFGRebillForOffhire
Enabled, the user will see a new menu item under the Other Revenue/Expenses toolbar in Voyage Management called Rebills for off hire and port expenses. This allows the user to rebill these items when not under a TC. While displaying Port Expenses Rebillables on the Rebills for Off Hire and Port Expenses form, only one row was being displayed, which was the sum of all rebillable items from the Port Advance/DA form. This has been modified, and different rebillable items are displayed in separate rows on the Rebills for Off Hire and Port Expenses form.
Show Cargo Rob in Voyage Manager CFGShowCargoRobInVoyageManager
Adds a Cargo ROB column to the Port/Date tab in the Voyage Manager, or to the Consumption tab if CFGVoyageFormat is set to 1. This reflects the cargo remaining on board upon completion of cargo activities at the port. This feature will only function properly if all cargo movements use MT as their unit of measure.
If all lines at the port have complete BL information entered, including the BL Date, the BL Qty will be factored into the calculation.
If the BL information is missing, the estimated lift quantity will be used.
If any quantities for a port call are estimated, the Cargo ROB value for this port will be blue.
If the Cargo ROB value exceeds the estimated maximum lift quantity for the entire port call, and estimated lift quantities exist at the port, the Cargo ROB value will turn red.
Show DA Desk Checkbox CFGShowDADeskCheckbox
Adds a DA-Desk check box to indicate DA-Desk voyages.
You can generate port calls to the DA Service Provider based on this setting if you decide not to use the portschinfo.exe configuration by company code.
Show Hours in Voyage Manager Itinerary CFGShowHoursInVoyageManagerItinerary
Displays the following Itinerary columns in hours instead of days: SDays > SHours, SD > SH, XSD > XSH, PDays > PHours, PD > PH, XPD > XPH, LS SDay > LS SHour, and LS PDay > LS PHour
Show Include in Cover CFGShowIncludeInCover
Adds the Include In Cover check box, to be used by the Pooling Information dataset.
Sort Voyage Autocomplete by Date CFGSortVoyAutocompleteByDate
Causes the Vessel field selection list to sort voyages for a vessel by commence date in descending order.
Use Voyage Estimate Voyage Deviation CFGUseVoyestVoyageDeviation
Adds a Deviation button to the Voyage Manager toolbar to launch a Deviation Estimate.
Voyage Estimate Show Cranes in Itinerary Grid CFGVoyestShowCranesInItinGrid
When enabled, the Cargo tab in an Estimate/Voyage Fixture/Voyage Manager will have a new column C, to indicate the use of Cranes in the specific port. This column will only be visible for bulk vessels, and its value can be editable from the Cargo tab in the Itinerary, the CP Terms Details form, or the Itinerary Details form of that port.
Voyage Format CFGVoyageFormat
1: Enables the Consumption tab and adds Anchor In, All Fast, Alongside, and Anchor Out columns to the Port/Date tab.
2: Uses the Port/Date tab without the added fields.
Voyapi Validate Cargo Laycan for Port CFGVoyapiValidateCargoLaycanForPort
Adds validation warnings if, at the first port where a cargo is to be loaded, the vessel will arrive before the start or after the end of the cargo's laycan.
Additionally, on the Voyage List, voyage lines will be highlighted in yellow if the above condition exists.
Warn on Mismatched Consecutive Voyages CFGWarnOnMismatchedConsecutiveVoyages
A warning message appears when saving, if a modified Terminating Date no longer matches the Commence Date on the following consecutive voyage.
Enable Lat Lon Override CFGEnableLatLonOverride
Allows manual overrides for At-Sea Port Latitude and Longitude values in the Voyage Estimate and Voyage Manager, to more accurately reflect waiting points or itinerary deviations.
When enabled, adds new fields to the Voyage Itinerary and the Booking form to capture Transshipment Vessels being utilized by the entity carrying a cargo without capturing the Transshipment Voyages in full. This serves as a lighter-weight Transshipment-tracking mechanism than the features enabled by CFGEnableTransshipment.
Voyage No Alphanumeric CFGVoyageNoAlphanumeric
When enabled, the voyage's external Reference number is used as the voyage identifier (instead of the Voy No.). For example, when emailing Voyage Instructions, the subject heading will be: "MV AKTAIA - Voyage EXTREFVOY24" instead of "MV AKTAIA - Voyage 24."
Counterparty Label CFGCounterpartyLabel
If this flag has a value, references to Charterer in the Estimate, Voyage Fixture, and Voyage Manager are now replaced with the value of this flag, for example, Buyer.
Enable Port Pilot Stations CFGEnablePortPilotStations
Enables functionality around port pilot stations both in Master Data and through the Estimate and voyage itineraries.
Enable Voyage Manager Cargo List CFGEnableVoyManagerCargoList
Adds Cargo and Cargo Handling tabs to the Voyage Manager. The Cargo tab is similar to the Cargo List, but only includes cargoes associated with the voyage. The Cargo Handling tab is similar to the Cargo Handling form; it includes a list of all cargoes associated with the voyage, with a line for each load and discharge. Lines highlighted in yellow indicate transshipment cargoes, while lines highlighted in blue indicate interservice cargoes.
If a Cargo or VC In has at least one unacknowledged revision, its row is highlighted in the Cargo List.
Store Firming ETA on Cargo Trigger CFGStoreFirmingETAOnCargoTrigger
When a voyage’s status is set to the configuration flag value (forecast, scheduled, or commenced), a static Firming ETA field populates on the linked Cargo or VC In Itinerary/Options tab. You can compare this value with the actual ETA in a custom Report Designer report.
To disable this flag, leave the value blank.
Allow Restrict Voyage Auto Number Consecutive CFGAllowRestrictVoyAutoNumberConsecutive
Note: CFGUseGlobalVoyageNumbering must be set to N.
If enabled, a new Voyage Auto-Numbering/Consecutive Checkboxes Module Right appears, allowing the administrator to restrict users' rights to modify the Automatically Number Voyage check box on the Create New Voyage Form, along with the Consecutive Voyage check boxes on the Create New Voyage Form and Voyage Manager.
Use Global Voyage Numbering CFGUseGlobalVoyageNumbering
If enabled, supports the option to use unique voyage numbers across the entire database, rather than simply for a particular vessel. When enabled, new voyages will be assigned the next highest sequential open number based on the other voyages in the database.
Voyage Show Cancel CFGVoyShowCancel
In the Voyage Manager, allows a Canceled status for Voyages.
Display ECA Miles In Itinerary CFGDisplayECAMilesInItinerary
When enabled, an ECA Miles column appears on the Port/Date tab of the Estimate and Voyage Manager Itineraries.
User Group Prompt CFGUserGroupPrompt
When nonblank, changes the User Group field label on the Voyage Manager.
User Prompt CFGUserPrompt
When nonblank, changes the User field label on the Voyage Manager.
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