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IMOS - Matching

Home > Chartering > Matching

Matching enables you to view vessel and cargo positions in one location; it consists of a Vessel Positions list and a Cargo Book list. Owned positions are added from TC InTC Out, and Cargo contracts. When you find a good position to work with, you can create or open a Worksheet in Estimates.

  • On the main menu 
    , under Chartering, click Matching.
  • In the Chartering quick links, click 

Views of Matching

  • Vessel Positions and Cargo Book lists appear by default.
  • As with any other list, you can search, select, adjust, pin, filter, group, and sort columns, reset to the default view, save user views, and export.
  • To expand either list to full screen, click 
     at the top right.
  • To switch to map view, click 
  • To switch to schedule view, click
  • To return to the two lists, click 

Suggested Workflow

  1. View positions in Vessel Positions and Cargo Book lists, map, or schedule, or open a position to view its details.
  2. Do any of the following:

Position Details

You cannot edit existing vessel and cargo positions in Matching.

To open a position and view its Position Details on the right, do one of the following:

  • On the Vessel Positions or Cargo Book list, click its row.
  • On the Matching map:
    • Click its vessel 
       or cargo 
    • Click its group icon (for example, 
       for two vessels or 
       for two cargoes) and then click its card.

      • To view a different position, click << to return to the card panel and then click a different card.
  • On the Matching schedule, click its bar. Voyage or Cargo details view opens in a new browser tab.

Creating a New Vessel Position

  1. On the Vessel Positions list, click
     at the top right.
  2. Enter Position Details:

  3. Click Save.
    For IMOS access on the web: When a vessel is created in Matching, an Estimate-only vessel is created in IMOS.

Opening and Creating Worksheets

On the IMOS - Matching#Position Details panel, you can open existing or create new Worksheets:

  • If a position has an associated Worksheet, you can click the Open Worksheet button to open it.
  • If a position does not have an associated Worksheet, you can click the Create Worksheet button to create one.
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