On the Voyage Manager, the Voyage Instructions panel enables you to manage Voyage Instructions and Revisions. The Voyage Instructions tab of the Voyage Template stores the forms for the Voyage Instructions format.
To open or close the panel, click .
To view the Voyage Instructions List, click .
To delete a Voyage Instructions/Revision with status Draft, click the Del link in the Action column.
To return to the panel, click .
To create a New Voyage Instructions/Revision, on the voyage Properties panel, a Voyage Template must be selected that contains the Voyage Instructions VFML/RDLC or Veslink forms.
Creating and Sending a New Voyage Instructions/Revision
Using Veslink Forms
If you selected Use Veslink Forms on the Voyage Template, follow these steps:
Open a Voyage Instructions form, on the Voyage Instructions panel or list:
To create a new form, click +.
To open an existing form, click its Revision No. link.
Editthe form as needed.
To edit a paragraph, click it. To help you format text, the rich text editor appears. To close the rich text editor, click outside of it.
Depending on your workflow and permissions, click one of the following:
: Save a draft. A new line appears in the Voyage Instructions List with the status Draft. You can reopen the form at any time to edit and save changes to the draft or send it.
The completed Veslink form appears in a new window.
When the configuration flagCFGEnableVIDefaultEmailAddresses is enabled, default recipients from the Voyage Template appear. You can edit To and CC before sending
Sending voyage instructions to multiple email recipients requires separating email addresses with a comma (not a semicolon) and no spaces in between.
Send the form:
Click .
If you are sending the form using email, click . The Preview text is copied to your Clipboard and on the Voyage Instructions panel, the form Status is updated to Submitted. Paste the text into an email and then send to recipients.
Using VFML Forms
If you selected Use VFML Forms on the Voyage Template, on the Voyage Instructions panel or list, click + and then do the following:
Complete the Voyage Instructions form.
Click a button to send an HTML Email or a Text Email, Save (with configuration flagCFGEnableVoyOrderEmailModeSave enabled), Cancel, Print, or Copy to Clipboard.
Related Configuration Flags
Enable Voyage Order Email Mode Save CFGEnableVoyOrderEmailModeSave
Enables saving draft Voyage Order forms, even for forms that use email mode. Applicable only to VFML Voyage Instructions forms.
Enable VI Form P&L Snapshots CFGEnableVIFormPnlSnapshots
When enabled, a P&L snapshot is taken for the voyage every time a Voyage Instructions form is submitted. The name of the snapshot is the date, time, and form name. Example: 11/20/2017 2:22:44 PM Voyage Completion Report. The snapshot is available for selection in the snapshots drop-down menu on the voyage P&L.
Enable VI Default Email Addresses CFGEnableVIDefaultEmailAddresses
When enabled, default email recipients can be specified for each Veslink Voyage Instructions form in the Voyage Template.
Voyage Form Reply Address CFGVoyFormReplyAddress
Allows you to set the reply-to email address for all Voyage Instructions emailed from the Veson IMOS Platform.
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