🔑 This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users.
Note: You must have the Voyage Template ListModule Right selected under Other in the Data Center.
On the Voyage Template List, you can create, edit, copy, and delete Voyage Templates, which can be used to set default voyage information related to Voyage Instructions, Bunker Confirmation Notices, Laytime Calculations, Task Groups, and Port Activities.
As with any other list, you can search, select, adjust, pin, filter, group, and sort columns, reset to the default view, save user views, and export.
Assigning a Voyage Template to a Voyage
To assign a Voyage Template to a voyage, do one of the following:
To set up default Port Activities, on the Port Functions form, select the Voyage Template and then specify Port Activities for each Port Function; Port Functions that are not customized use the system default activities. For example, inland and deep-sea vessels might have different Template-specified Loading activities, but they can share the same system default activities for Fueling.
Setting Up Voyage Instructions
On the Voyage Instructions tab of the Voyage Template form, you can set up VFML/RDLC or Veslink forms for the Voyage Instructions format for the Voyage Instructions panel.
Select a Voyage Instructions form type:
Use VFML Forms (as shown above): Enter VFML/RDLC, available on request from Veson Nautical Support.
When the configuration flagCFGEnableVIDefaultEmailAddresses is enabled, a contacts grid appears. Before moving on to the next step, select the Veslink Form for which you want to specify default recipients.
In the contacts grid, specify the following Types of default recipients:
From Address Book: Select To or CC and select a Company and a Subcontact.
By Role: Select To or CC and then select a Role.
For Veslink Voyage Instructions forms that require approval, you can specify default recipients by Form Status.
Configuring Settings
On the Settings tab of the Voyage Template form, you can do any of the following:
Specify default settings for the Laytime Calculation for use with this template.
To include a set of Tasks on every voyage created from this template, select a Task Group.
Choose to lock voyage itinerary ETA/ETD. The projected speed to a port will automatically adjust based on the targeted ETA. If you choose not to enable this feature, planned port ETA/ETDs are fixed and will not automatically update based on other changes to the voyage itinerary. The ETD of cargo-handling ports will be automatically updated when ETA changes are made, using the Port Days value of the itinerary line.
Choose Auto Create Per-Counterparty Per-Port Estimated Demurrage to create per-port, per-counterparty Estimate Demurrage records automatically on voyage creation when the configuration flags CFGEnableMultiEstDem and CFGAutoCreateEstVoyageDemurrage are enabled.
Related Configuration Flags
Enable VI Default Email Addresses CFGEnableVIDefaultEmailAddresses
When enabled, default email recipients can be specified for each Veslink Voyage Instructions form in the Voyage Template.
Voyage Form Reply Address CFGVoyFormReplyAddress
Allows you to set the reply-to email address for all Voyage Instructions emailed from the Veson IMOS Platform.
Enable ETA Tracking CFGEnableETATracking
When enabled, several new fields are added to the Voyage Template form that will allow for tracking of ETA changes made on voyages in Scheduled and Commenced states and generate tasks depending on the how far out the change is and the threshold of the change.
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