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IMOS - Port Activities Terms

Home > Data Center > Port Activities Terms

Port Activities terms are used on the Port Activities form.

On the Data Center menu , under Ports and Areas, click Port Activities.


Port Activities form

For each Port Activity, you can enter:

  • Activities: Name of the Port Activity.

  • Code: Code of up to 8 characters that can be paired with another Activity by adding its number in the Pair With column.

  • Remarks: Free-form text field for additional information.

  • Act TypeAction Type

  • Pair WithCode of another Activity to use as a pair.

  • Rsn Code: Delay Reason Code.

  • Select check boxes for these purposes:

    • Laytime Calc Import: Have a Port Activity imported into a Laytime Calculation.

    • SOF Printout (requires Onboard): To be included in a Statement of Facts report.

    • Cargo: Be able to edit the Cargo for that Port Activity.

    • Charterer: On forms, be able to select a Charterer in the Port Activity control.

    • Berth: Be able to edit the Berth for that Port Activity.

    • ROBs: Add an ROBs tab to the Port Activities form for the voyage and be able to edit in-port ROBs for that Port Activity, for reporting purposes, after the date and time have been added.

    • ROBs Required: Allows you to require ROBs for specific activities in Veslink for both standard and custom SOF forms. ROBs Required can only be selected if the ROBs checkbox is also selected.

      • When you select the ROBs Required checkbox, you must Reset Master Data to apply the change.

      • API submission will block Statement of Facts forms that lack ROBs for the associated activities.

      • To enable offline form validation, you must send new forms to the vessels.

      • For onboard validation, you must run replication. If a form is submitted but not yet approved and an activity has ROBs Required checked, then you will see an error upon loading the form that the activity is missing a required ROB value. Add an ROB value greater than zero to clear this error.

Action Types

Each term can have one of the following Act (Action) Types. Only the nine Action Types mentioned in the table below have an effect on the Laytime Calculation. A typical set of Action Types for loading or discharging cargo follows:

  • PS (Port Action Starts)

  • NR (NOR Tendered)

  • OS (Operation Starts)

  • OE (Operation Ends)

    • If there is not a matching OS to OE an error will occur - "ERROR - Port has more OE activities than OS activities“

  • PE (Port Action Ends)

    • IS/IE pairs (Interruption Starts/Ends) and DS/DE pairs (Delay Starts/Ends) can be inserted between OS and OE pairs to log interrupts and delays.

Action Type

Laytime Calculator Effect

AA = Anchor Aweigh


AD = Anchor Out


AF = All Fast


BE = Bunkering Ends


BS = Bunkering Starts


CA = Free Pratique Granted


CD = Cargo Documents On Board


CI = Tank Inspection Completed


DE = Delay Ends

Stop deducting 50% from time used

DS = Delay Starts

Start deducting 50% from time used

HF = Hose Disconnect Completed


HN = Hose Connect Completed


IE = Interruption Ends

Resume counting time

IS = Interruption Starts

Stop counting time

LL = Last Line


NM = Normal Event


NR = NOR Tendered

Laytime commenced = NOR Tendered + 6 hours
Laytime commenced = NOR Tendered + Turn Time

OE = Operation Ends

Stop counting time used

OR = Operation Resumes


OS = Operation Starts

Start counting time used

PA = Pilot On Board


PE = Port Ends

Stop counting time used if OE was not already specified

PO = Pilot Off


PS = Port Starts

For verification purposes only

RE = Rain Ends


RS = Rain Starts


SE = Shift Ends


SS = Shift Starts


XE = Dock Ends


XS = Dock Starts


Related Configuration Flags



Duplicate Activities for Cargoes and Berths

When this flag is enabled, those Port Activities that are flagged with the Cargo and/or Berth check box in the Port Activities form and assigned to a template will duplicate for the number of cargoes/berths that have activities at that Port.

Apply Code Pair in Port Selection

When enabled, selecting a port activity that is part of a code pair in the Port Activities form automatically pulls in the other activity from the pair directly underneath it. This makes it easier to add in both the start and end time of an activity that requires a duration.

Where applicable, Voyage Reporting forms validate that both paired port activities are present.

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