Veslink - Quick Start
Veslink standardizes voyage communications to help you collect and analyze current positions and other critical voyage data and share information with a network of trusted partners.
Admin Tasks
In IMOS, activate vessels for use in Veslink.
For all Veslink users:
System Configuration: Configure general settings and email settings for forms.
Security: Manage users and groups.
Manage your Network of partners and shared information.
Set up Forms and Vessels: Create Forms and Form Groups, add Vessels to Form Groups, and distribute forms to vessels.
User Tasks
See what needs attention on the Dashboard: Resolve errors and approve forms.
View voyages on the Voyages map or navigate to Voyage Reports and Port Calls.
Enter ports, arrange routes, and calculate time and Distances for voyages.
Set up your Profile.
View up-to-the-minute Reports on the Performance Dashboard.
Get Support from the Knowledge Base or by creating a support ticket.
Updating Account settings:
Vessel Account Email: Given the Account email is the main id/login for the user, you are unable to change this email address. Should a new email be available, you can delete the user and make a new one if needed.