On the Forms map, click its Vessels card and then, in the Forms panel, do the following:
If there is only one form associated with the voyage, click View Form.
If there are multiple forms associated with the voyage, click its card and then click View Form.
As with any other details view, you can navigate to a different record by clicking its card or return to the list by clicking its Name.
To view vessels and voyages on the map, click . To return to form details, click .
To share a form, copy the URL and then share it with any signed-in users in your organization.
Each form includes a Status:
Pending: Forms that require approval.
Pending with Errors: Forms that have errors that need to be corrected before they can be approved.
Approved: The form was approved, and its data was validated and imported.
Processing: The approved or resubmitted form is being validated.
Submitted: The form is not yet approved, or it was approved but there were approval errors.
Error: The form was submitted with an error.
Open for Resubmit: The form was previously approved and opened for resubmit, but the resubmit attempt resulted in new errors that need to be corrected.
Rejected: The form was rejected.
It can also include:
A message at the top:
If the form has an error, a message explaining the error appears, so it can be fixed.
If the form is not the most recent version, a message appears, so the latest version can be requested/sent. The form can still be approved.
An attachment sent with the report:
Click to download and save an attachment.
Attachments are stored along with the form for three months.
Attachments do not print along with forms.
If a form is rejected, the attachment is rejected as well.
The form source:
Select Form Source from the available columns list. You can select the following form sources in the Veslink Forms list: Offline, Online, API, Agent Portal, Onboard Office, Onboard Vessel, and Onboard Agent Portal. Forms submitted prior to June 20th will appear blank as data is not available before this date.
Approving or Rejecting a Form
Note: You must approve Veslink forms in the correct port sequence to avoid form errors for other possible forms in the port sequence. Veslink forms should be approved in the sequence they occurred in while in port.
After a form has been submitted:
To approve a form, click
. When a form is approved, all other pending forms for that voyage will refresh because the newly approved data may affect subsequent forms.
To reject a form, click
In the Reject Form window:
Notify vessel of reason for rejection: To send a rejection notification to the vessel email address, select this check box.
Rejection Reason: Enter a reason for the rejection.
Opening a Form for Resubmission
If a form is Approved, you can open it for resubmission by a vessel or agent: Click
Printing a Form
To print a form, click
and then click a format (PDF, Excel, or Word).
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