When you view an Estimate on the map, in addition to other view options, you can select options to minimize routing for ECA and Piracy zones, and you can edit its Itinerary to test various voyage scenarios.
Estimate information appears under the following headings:
Voyage Summary: Voyage days and distance calculations
To navigate to the previous < or next > Estimate in the current Worksheet, click the arrows at the top of the Estimate column.
To return to Estimate Details view, click at the top right.
Reading the Map
Hover information appears when you hover over the map:
On a port that is in the itinerary:
Port name, latitude, and longitude appear below it.
Anywhere on the map:
Latitude and longitude and map scale appear in the lower left corner of the map.
Icons on the Map
Commencing Port:
Intermediate Port:
Terminating Port:
Creating an Itinerary
To create an itinerary in Estimates, add ports. Then adjust the itinerary as needed by deleting or changing the sequence of ports.
Adding a Port
To add a port, do the following:
In the Enter a port field, start typing the name of a port and click it in the list that appears.
To choose a port function, next to the port name in your itinerary, click and then click one of the following:
As you add ports:
The first port appears in the itinerary and on the map.
A Voyage Summary appears below the itinerary.
Additional ports add Via passage, Speed, Distance, Port Days, and Sea Days to the itinerary.
Adjusting the Itinerary
When you have entered all the ports, you can adjust the itinerary.
Change sequence: Drag and drop a port in the itinerary.
Delete: Drag the port off the itinerary.
Modify routing: When you click a Via Passage link, a Routing Selection form appears, from which you can select a new routing option.
Related Configuration Flags
Enable Voyage Estimate User Security CFGEnableVoyestUserSecurity
Users can only save changes to Estimates they create. If a user attempts to save an Estimate created by another user, the action will be blocked, and they will be advised to make a copy of the active Estimate.
Voyage Estimate Zero Profit on Bunker Error CFGVoyestZeroProfitOnBunkerError
Any fuel type that is used in the calculation with price zero will trigger a red warning. The profit and daily profit are set to zero to avoid misjudging the calculation.
Voyage Estimate Zero Profit on DWT Error CFGVoyestZeroProfitOnDWTError
If the quantity of cargo on board exceeds the calculated max lift quantity for an itinerary line, an Estimate error will be raised indicating where the overloading has occurred, and the profit/daily profit for the Estimate will be set to zero. However, if the Estimate is fixed, it does not show zero P&L, and the Estimated P&L in the Voyage Manager is not affected.
Voyapi Error on Disch Greater Than Load CFGVoyapiErrorOnDischGreaterThanLoad
A nominated discharge quantity greater than the loaded quantity will raise a validation error in the Estimate, Voyage Fixture, and Voyage Manager. Additionally, in the Estimate, this will clear the results of the P&L calculation.
Voyapi Warn If Missing Estimate Port Expense CFGVoyapiWarnIfMissingEstPortExp
Displays a validation warning in the Estimate and Voyage Manager if a cargo handling port call exists without estimated port expenses.
Warn If Missing Cargo Bunkers CFGWarnIfMissingCargoBunkers
If vessel is a tanker or gas carrier, displays a warning if applicable cargo bunker consumption types are not enabled in an estimate or voyage.
Voyapi Validate Cargo Laycan for Port CFGVoyapiValidateCargoLaycanForPort
Adds validation warnings if, at the first port where a cargo is to be loaded, the vessel will arrive before the start or after the end of the cargo's laycan.
Additionally, on the Voyage List, voyage lines will be highlighted in yellow if the above condition exists.
Enable Vessel Import from Estimate CFGEnableVesselImportFromEstimate
When enabled, if a user searches for a Vessel in an Estimate that does not already exist in the database, instead of asking the user to create a new Vessel, they will have the option to import from configured external vessel data sources.
Use Voyage Estimate Voyage Deviation CFGUseVoyestVoyageDeviation
Default TCI on Estimate Vessel Select CFGDefaultTCIOnEstimateVesselSelect
When enabled, a TC In or Head Fixture will be automatically assigned when selecting a vessel in the Estimate. When disabled, users will have to manually select a TC In/Head Fixture in the Estimate.
Show Cargo Per Unit Cost CFGShowCargoPerUnitCost
Adds a Per Unit Cost fieldto the Estimate P&L. This value is also seen on the Voyage Profit & Loss Report (accessible from the Voyage Manager) where Per Unit Cost = total cost of expenses by quantity of cargo loaded.
Voyage ID Includes Date CFGVoyIdIncludesDate
If enabled, the ending year digits are automatically included in the voyage ID.
Enable Port Fuel Availability CFGEnablePortFuelAvailability
When enabled, a new Fuel Availability grid is added to the Port form in the Data Center where the Fuel Types and Grades that are available at the port can be captured.
These fuels appear when you hover on ports in the Estimate and Voyage map views.
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