IMOS - Compliance with IMO 2020
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Configuration flag CFGEnableScrubberType must be enabled; a database schema upgrade may be necessary to implement this functionality. Please contact Support to check and upgrade schema if necessary.
Veson Nautical has enhanced the existing Fuel Zone configuration and fuel consumption functionality to help our clients comply with the IMO 2020 bunker regulations. The new IMO 2020 functionality accommodates the use of scrubbers on vessels and accounts for the allowance of scrubbers in given ports and zones. By designating the Fuel Types for 3.5%, 0.5%, and 0.1% sulfur and the global areas in which they should be consumed, clients are able to accurately project bunker consumption on estimates and voyages.
Veson Nautical IMO 2020 Functionality
Fuel Type Setup
All required Fuel/Lube Types can be set up in the Data Center. Names and descriptions are fully editable, and each entered Type can be designated as High Sulfur, Low Sulfur, or General. Backup Fuel for each Type can also be set, which allows users to specify which Type should be used in the event that the primary Type runs out or is not available.

To disable Backup Fuel types, select the Disable Backup Fuels check box on the Bunker Planning and Voyage Bunkers forms.
Chartering > Estimate > Menu > Bunker Planning:
Operations > Voyage List > Select specific voyage > Bunkers > Voyage Bunkers:
Vessel Consumption Categories
On a per-vessel basis (or via default), Fuel Types can be added and further configured with respect to High/Low Sulfur, overriding previous defaults if desired. Veson Nautical recommends reusing the existing fuel grades on the vessel if more than 6 have been used.

Tracking ROBs by Tank
At the vessel level, Bunker Tanks can be specified, including capacity and unit. When using Voyage Reporting to collect Noon/Arrival/Departure reports from the vessel, these values populate a Bunker Tanks table, allowing entry of ROBs by tank and Fuel Type.
In order to track ROBs/Tank via Voyage Reporting forms, the Bunker Tanks must be set up on the vessel level. Once this is set up and the vessel is Active for Veslink, a new form needs to be created with the Bunker Tanks table, which will pull the vessel tank information.

Fuel Zone Configuration
New Fuel Zone sets must be created to comply with IMO 2020; the new Fuel Zone sets must have the IMO 2020 check box selected.
Selecting IMO 2020 for existing Fuel Zone sets will break backward compatibility with respect to P&L.
An additional zone has been added: Worldwide NON-ECA. This encompasses all waters and ports that are not in ECA zones, and are not marked as Low Sulfur. The Worldwide Zone encompasses ports that are not in ECA Zones but are marked as Low Sulfur.
The Fuel Zones form includes two separate configurations for vessels that are scrubber fitted and those that are not. The Non-Scrubber tab functions the same as the previous Fuel Zones. Both Non-Scrubber and Scrubber tabs allow H (High Sulfur) and G (General) Fuel Types to be selected, instead of only L (Low Sulfur) Types.

After making changes in the fuel zone set, make sure to close the Estimate and reopen it to see the new calculated values.
The IMO 2020 regulation allows vessels to burn high-sulfur fuel as long as the vessel is fitted with and using a scrubber. Port Authorities around the world will determine their own regulations for permission of scrubber usage at the port. To accommodate the regulations, Veson Nautical is adding the selection of the types of scrubbers on both the Vessel (in use) and Port (allowed) levels.
There are 3 types of scrubbers:
Open Loop scrubbers allow for the retained emission waste to be dumped into the water.
Closed Loop scrubbers require the vessel to carry the emission and discharge it at designated facilities in port.
Hybrid operates as either Open Loop or Closed Loop.
On the Vessel form, a Scrubber drop-down menu replaces the previous Use Scrubbers check box.

Four choices are available:
None: The vessel is not fitted with scrubbers.
Open Loop
Closed Loop
Hybrid: If Use Scrubbers was previously selected for a vessel, it defaults to a Hybrid Scrubber.
On the Port Properties panel, a Supported Scrubbers drop-down menu appears.

Four choices are available:
Info N/A (default): Information is not available. (in those cases, the system will by default calculate fuel consumption that is set up in the Fuel Zones.)
Open Loop: Open Loop scrubbers are allowed in port; if the vessel has Closed Loop scrubbers, it will also be allowed.
Closed Loop: Only Closed Loop scrubbers are allowed.
Not Allowed: Scrubbers are not allowed at all.
When configuration flag CFGEnablePortFuelAvailability is enabled, a Fuel Type/Grade Availability grid appears on the Port form, in which the Fuel Types and Grades that are available at the port can be captured.

These fuels appear when you hover on ports in the Estimate and Voyage map views.
Consumption Logic
If a vessel has scrubbers active, and G or H Fuel Type is designated for in-port consumption on the Fuel Zone Scrubber tab, the system will use the following logic to determine what kind of consumption to project:
Vessel Scrubber | Port Allowance | Fuel Consumed |
Open | Open | G or H from Fuel Zones |
Closed | Closed | G or H from Fuel Zones |
Hybrid | Open/Closed | G or H from Fuel Zones |
Open | Closed | L grade (It will refer to the non-Scrubber tab in Fuel Zone) |
Any Scrubber Type | Not Allowed | L grade from Fuel Zones (It will refer to the non-Scrubber tab in Fuel Zone) |
Recommended Configurations
The below recommendations outline configurations based on commonly used existing setups. However, the features described above offer significant flexibility and can accommodate a wide range of setups.
Vessels/Fleets with Scrubber-Fitted Vessels
The below recommendations outline configurations based on commonly used existing setups. However, the delivered features described above offer significant flexibility and can accommodate a wide range of setups.
General Assumptions
There are 3 fuel types:
3.5% (only scrubber-fitted vessels will have this onboard)
0.5% (the new high-sulfur fuel)
0.1% (the new low-sulfur fuel)
Assumptions for Scrubber-Enabled Vessels
For scrubbers with 0.5% output:
In areas where 0.1% is required, the vessel will either burn LSG 0.1% or ultra-low fuel oil 0.1%
In areas where the port restricts Open Loop scrubbers, the vessel will either burn LSG 0.1% or ultra-low fuel oil 0.1%
Scrubbers with 0.1% output:
In areas where the port restricts Open Loop scrubbers, the vessel will either burn LSG 0.1% or ultra-low fuel oil 0.1%
Vessels or Fleets Burning Compliant Fuel Only (Vessels without Scrubbers)
Fuel Types and Fuel Zones
On the Fuel/Lube Types form, either:
Add new Types for compliant fuel and set 0.5% to H and 0.1% to L.
Reuse existing fuel types, for example: designate the current H as compliant 0.5%, and the current L as 0.1%.
Select appropriate compliant 0.5 % H backup of 3.5% H, and 0.1% or LSG as a backup for 0.5%.
During the period as your fleet transitions from noncompliant to compliant fuel consumption, compliant fuel can be set at the backup fuel for noncompliant fuel, with the consumption rate set to 0.00.
Vessel Setup
On the Vessel Consumption tab, add the H and L grade fuels, unless the past fuel types will be reused.
According to the IMO’s Fourth GHG Study, the following are the correct fuel switched in the ECA zones:

Fleets with Scrubber-Fitted Vessels
Define compliant and high-sulfur fuels:
Since the vessel has scrubbers, it will most likely continue to consume and stem 3.5% fuel, configured as an H type. As such, there is no need to define compliant fuels for this vessel.
If you envision the need to stem compliant fuels for a scrubber-fitted vessel, you may define such fuels as per the configuration in the Fuel Type Setup section above.
Select appropriate H and L Fuel Types for backup:
3.5% (H) should be backed up by 0.5% (H).
0.5% (H) should be backed up by 0.1% (L) or gas oil.
If one H fuel is selected to back up another H fuel, then the backup fuel consumption rate on the vessel should be 0.00 unless the first H fuel is designated in the Fuel Zones for At Sea and In Port consumption for all appropriate zones.
On the Fuel Zones form:
Create new IMO 2020 Fuel Zone sets (must include Worldwide and Worldwide NON-ECA) to consume the designated H grade fuel on the Scrubbers tab.
Note: Selecting IMO 2020 for existing Fuel Zone sets will break backward compatibility with respect to P&L.For Vessels that will not use scrubbers in the ECA zones, configure the specific ECA Zones with appropriate L grade fuel and the consumption rate, if necessary.
Worldwide NON-ECA is now a 0.5% sulfur emission zone, and the Consumption At Sea for this zone can be set up to consume 3.5% fuel with a scrubber.
We foresee that only the North Sea and 200NM zones will remain as ECA zones, therefore in these zones, the users should select 0.1% fuel to be consumed, however, the user has an option to configure the remaining zones.
Configure vessels:
On the Vessel form, select the Scrubber the ship has installed: Open Loop, Closed Loop, or Hybrid.
On the Vessel Consumption tab, add the H grade fuel 3.5% to be consumed with the scrubber, H grade fuel 0.5% in case the scrubber is not used or not allowed, and L grade fuel 0.1% when in the ECA zone.
This section presents two scenarios that revolve around the maximum limits of 6 fuel types on a vessel:
If you can add more new compliant fuels on the vessel, they should do so in accordance with the recommendation above.
If you cannot add more new fuel types on a vessel because the vessel already has 6 fuels registered and used, the user should re-utilize the existing fuels.
Configure ports:
On the Port form, select which Supported Scrubbers are allowed in a given port. The default of the port scrubber drop-down menu is Info N/A (Information Not Available); in those cases, the system will by default calculate fuel consumption that is set up in the Fuel Zones.
Debunkering Best Practices
If needed, you can debunker a lifted quantity or transfer bunker quantities between two types. On the Bunker Liftings form, enter a negative lifted quantity.
On the Bunker Lifting Selection form, select the FIFO lot to remove the quantity from; it does not have to be the last lot. The FIFO queue is modified.
The price for the negative quantity is defined by the invoice price.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will there be a different solution for adding more than 6 fuel types?
Veson Nautical is actively discussing a more seamless solution. Currently, there is no timeline for this.
Why am I seeing negative bunker consumption on the estimated bunkers even though I have set up backup fuels and they are present on the vessel?
Most of the time, the reason for this is because there is not enough initial quantity of the backup fuel available for the backup. Add more backup fuel to estimated consumption and there will not be negative figures.
Can I seamlessly switch from using scrubbers on the voyage and then just burning compliant fuel?
Yes, on the Bunker Planning form, clear the Use Scrubbers check box.
Will the LS Only functionality change?
No, the LS Only functionality will remain the same.
Will ROBs/Tank information be available in the Veson IMOS Platform?
At the moment, this information tracking is only available in the offline forms and reporting capacities.
What if I already had the “Use Scrubbers” check box selected on the vessel?
If Use Scrubbers was previously selected for a vessel, it defaults to a Hybrid scrubber.