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IMOS - Cargo Name

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The Cargo Names workspace enables you to enter the name and information for each type of cargo.

Cargo Names List

The Cargo Names list contains all Cargo Names that you have the right to view.

  • On the main menu 

    , under Data Center, next to Cargo Name, click List.

  • In the Data Center quick links, click 


As with any other list, you can search, select, adjust, pin, filter, group, and sort columns, reset to the default view, save user views, and export.

Cargo Name

To view an existing Cargo Name, on the Cargo Names list, click its row.

To create a new Cargo Name:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • On the Cargo Names list, click


    • On the main menu 

      , under Data Center, click Cargo Name.

    • As with any other details view, you can navigate to a different record by clicking its card or return to the list by clicking its Name.

    • To share a Cargo Name, copy its URL and then share it with any signed-in users in your organization.

    • Cargo Name details are in the center. You can access additional tools, forms, and information on the toolbar.

  2. On the Cargo Name form, enter a Cargo Short Name (32 characters or fewer) and then press Enter or Tab. A message asks you to confirm that you are adding a new cargo; click OK.

  3. Select or enter a Cargo Group. Depending on the group, the form includes fields for either liquid or dry cargo.

  4. Add any User-Defined Fields in the grid at the bottom.


  • Use buttons on the toolbar to create, save, or delete records.

  • Cargo Groups : Open the Cargo Groups form.

Multigrade Cargoes

Configuration flag CFGEnableMultiGrade enables Multigrade Cargoes. For this configuration:

  • Each Cargo Name must be tied to a Cargo Group.

  • One Cargo Name must be created with the same name as the Cargo Group.

Related Configuration Flags



Enable OPA

Sets the OPA in the Voyage Fixture and in the Voyage Manager. Adds a Persistent check box to the Cargo Name form.

Enable Multi Grade

For vessels such as product tankers with the same kind of Cargo in several grades, enables Multigrade Cargoes: Changes the Cargo field to Cargo Group and adds a Cargo Grade column (for the Cargo Name within the Cargo Group) to the Itinerary/Options tab.

  • Each Cargo Name must be tied to a Cargo Group.

  • One Cargo Name must be created with the same name as the Cargo Group.

The Freight Invoice automatically adapts its format to display the Cargo Group, followed by the individual grades.

Note: The setting of this config flag determines which variable is available, and whether the No. of Grades variable is available, on the Pricing Rule form:

  • N: Cargo Type; No. of Grades variable not available

  • Y: Cargo Grade x; No. of Grades variable available

When the Cargo Grade variable is used in a Rule, its evaluation is done based on the order of Grades in the itinerary.

Enable MTBE Tracking

On the Cargo Name form, adds check boxes for MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), FAME (fatty acid methyl esters), and ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether). For cargoes with one or more of these check boxes is selected, the Cargo Handling form includes columns to record a percentage value for each selected component.

Enable Chem Cargo Name Fields

When enabled, the following fields are added to the Cargo Name form when the Cargo Class is LIQUID: USCG Name, MARPOL Category, IMO Ship Type, SG Temp Basis Degree, SG Temp Coefficient, SG Temp Scale, Melting Point, Melting Point Temp Scale, Boiling Point, Boiling Point Temp Scale, IMO Class, ADNR/ENI Class, USCG Grade, USCG Subchapter, and USCG Cargo Name.

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