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Please Note: This is an additional solution and requires a separate license. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.

About the LNG Module

For non-LNG trades, changes in fuel and cargo quantities onboard are typically independent of one another. For LNG voyages, however, one of the fuels on board is also the cargo. Fuel transactions affect cargo quantities and vice versa.

The LNG module supports LNG shipping and trading workflows by linking LNG fuel and cargo tracking to help users calculate boil-off. In the Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS), LNG is entered as both a cargo and a fuel, and any changes to LNG (fuel) or LNG (cargo) quantities are updated in both.

LNG Workflow

With the LNG module, you can follow the standard IMOS workflow with some modifications:


In the Data Center, set up LNG-specific records:

  1. In the Vessel form, create a vessel of Type code L (LNG Carrier); an LNG tab appears. 

    • Enter M3 as the fuel unit in the Vessel details for LNG carriers.

      Fuel Unit

      Once fuel unit is entered in the vessel details and the vessel was used in operations (e.g. a voyage), the fuel unit is greyed out and cannot be amended.

    • Fuel Warranty Tabe column appears on the Vessel Types form.

    • You can include Bunker Curve Parameters in the calculation of fuel consumption for LNG Carriers.

  2. Create the Cargo Name and Fuel/Lube TypeLNG.


In Chartering, do any of the following:

  • Manage LNG contracts.

    • If a vessel's Fuel Warranty Table is other than None, in TC In and TC Out contracts, record parameters related to vessel performance warranties in a Warranty tab.

  • Create LNG Estimates.

    • Specify Fuel Consumption Mode for each LNG voyage leg.

    • On the LNG detail tab of the Bunker Planning form:

      • For **OV Estimates only, enter Max Lift and Max Discharge.

      • You can back-calculate the optimal discharge quantity based on heel.


In Operations, manage LNG voyages.

  • On the the Voyage Manager Port/Date tab, specify Fuel Consumption Mode for each LNG voyage leg.

  • On the Voyage Bunkers form, complete additional fields on the LNG detail tab.

  • Automatically capture data from LNG voyage reports.


In Financials, close LNG voyages.


In Reports, run performance reports to benchmark against vessel/Time Charter LNG consumption curves.

Related Configuration Flags



Include LNG MMBTU pricing in Time Charter bunkers


If enabled, Time Charter Bunkers contain columns to enter LNG MMBTU and calorific value information for LNG carrier ships. Time charter payments and the hire statement will display LNG bunker units in MMBTU.

Requires database schema version 381.

Display cost per MMBTU


If enabled, then for vessels of type L (LNG), the Estimate and Voyage P&L both display the cost per MMBTU (in addition to the usual TCE figure).

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