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The Claims module supports custom Claims of types other than Demurrage. Rather than being an invoice, a Claim is like an envelope for invoices, which you review and post individually.
To use Claims, set up the following forms:
Claim Types, such as cargo damage claims, missed laycan claims, and pollution claims, and Claim Subtypes and Laytime Claim Types for further details, so you can sort by them on the Claim List
When a Rebill Claim is created for an internal counterparty:
Claim Status is Settled by default.
Analyst field is copied from the AP (Rebill) claim; if there are multiple AP (Rebill) invoices, the Analyst field is left empty in the resulting Rebill Claim.
Agreed Amount is set equal to the Original Claim Amount.
Date Settled is the date the rebill is created.
CP Reference: Select a contract type or Stand Alone. For Claims associated with a contract:
If the contract is scheduled, Claim Invoices appear on the voyage Invoices panel for the reference Vessel/Voyage.
After an FOB Cargo Claim is saved, it appears on the FOB Cargo Existing Claims grid.
Port: Select from ports in the contract itinerary.
Currency: Defaults according to these rules:
Claim CP Reference
Default Claim Currency
Currency of Fixture Company
TC In, TC Out
Currency of TC
Service, Stand Alone
Existing Default
Cargo, FOB Cargo, VC In
Currency of the Contract
In the Out of Pocket field, you can enter a claim amount withheld from freight. This field is for reference only and does not impact any other fields in the Veson IMOS Platform.
Follow-Up Date is used to alert analysts when follow-up is required. Field will be automatically populated with today's date plus Follow-Up days, as defined in the Claim Actions form. If there is no days defined, today's date will be used.
In the Claim Action Log, you can click to add a line at the top and select Claim Actions that describe the actions taken.
To begin processing the claim, change the Claim Status to In Progress.
When you save the Claim, a Claim ID is assigned. Claims are numbered according to the following scheme: CL-YYYY-###### For example: CL-2013-000001
Invoices Tab
On the Invoices tab, you can create multiple Claim Invoices for a Claim. You can also add links to Related Invoices, for example, if there are expenses for processing the claim, and to Related Claims.
To create standalone invoices for brokers whose Claim Commissions are set to be invoiced separately, click Commission.
Related Configuration Flags
Enable All Cargo Statuses in Claim CFGEnableAllCargoStatusesInClaim
When enabled, users can create Claims for Cargoes of any status, regardless of whether or not the Cargo has been scheduled. If this Cargo is scheduled later, invoices linked to this Claim will not be linked to the voyage.
Show Demurrage in Claims List CFGShowDemurrageInClaimsList
When enabled, Demurrage Claims appear in the Claim List.
Enable Claim Insurance Status CFGEnableClaimInsuranceStatus
When enabled, Insurance Status and Submission Date appear as fields on the Claim form and columns in the Claim List.
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