With FOB (Free on Board) or delivered cargo, you are not tracking a voyage or paying freight, just giving or receiving cargo in a port. Your only concern is if there is a Claim at that port. You can create an FOB Cargo as the basis for a Demurrage calculation or other Claim. Depending on your contracts, you might be able to rebill suppliers and receivers. FOB Cargoes appear in the Cargo List.
You can do any of the following:
Creating an FOB/Delivered Cargo
To create an FOB Cargo, do the following:
On the Cargo Other Info tab, select the FOB/Delivered Cargo check box. Additional fields appear.
Specify Itinerary and Pricing details for the Cargo. The Itinerary/Options tab cargo handling line includes the Supplier/Rcvr field, added with configuration flagCFGEnableCargoItinSupplierReceiver.
For FOB loads, enter the Supplier company in Supplier/Rcvr; enter the Receiver company in the Receiver field on Other Info tab.
For FOB discharges, enter the Receiver company in Supplier/Rcvr; enter the Supplier company in the Supplier field on the Other Info tab. (FOB is not supported on intercompany cargoes.)
Select a Reference Vessel.
Saving the Cargo form creates an FOB Voyage. On the FOB Voyage form, you can combine Cargoes handled by the same counterparty and moved on the same physical voyage, so they can be included on the same Laytime Calculation; they must also all be Reversible or all be non-Reversible. To open the FOB Voyage form, click the Voyage field link.
Select a Reference Voyage from the dropdown list. You can select any voyage no. from the voyage list. This is used by the system to reference the Port Activities details (used for laytime calculation).
Note: The system does not recognize assigning FOB BL Qty across multiple load ports. In such an instance, it is expected that the Laytime Calculator will fall back to the nominated quantity for the second load port.
Open a Voyage Instructions form, on the Voyage Instructions panel or list:
To create a new form, click +.
To open an existing form, click its Revision No. link.
Editthe form as needed.
To edit a paragraph, click it. To help you format text, the rich text editor appears. To close the rich text editor, click outside of it.
Depending on your workflow and permissions, click one of the following:
: Save a draft. A new line appears in the Voyage Instructions List with status Draft. You can reopen the form at any time to edit and save changes to the draft or send it.
The completed Veslink form appears in a new window.
Send the form:
If you are sending the form using email, click . The Preview text is copied to your Clipboard and, on the Voyage Instructions panel, the form Status is updated to Submitted. Paste the text into an email and then send to recipients.
Displaying FOB Cargoes on the Port & Vessel Schedules
In order to see FOB Cargoes on the Port and Vessel Schedules, enable configuration flags CFGShowFobOnSchedules and CFGChartererView and add Window From/To dates to the Cargo itinerary.
On the Cargo/VC In Itinerary/Options tab and Cargo/VC In Booking form, adds a Supplier/Rcvr column where you can specify the supplier or receiver for each cargo handling. This information can be used to create supplier and receiver Laytime Calculations.
Charterer View CFGChartererView
Uses the Charterer's view instead of the standard Cargo form. When enabled:
When a voyage is scheduled using Cargo as the source, the Opr Type on the Create New Voyage form defaults according to the Counterparty on the Cargo contract. If the Counterparty is an Owner, the Opr Type is SPOT, otherwise it is TCOV or OVOV depending on the Ownership field on the vessel. Opr Type can be changed, and if the selected type is incompatible with the Cargo counterparty, the Counterparty column in the Voyage Manager Cargoes grid is cleared.
All noncoload Cargoes in a voyage synchronize to have the same CP Date and CP Terms Details form.
A Supplier/Rcvr column appears on the Cargo Booking and VC In Booking forms.
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